Gender Disappointment – I wanted a girl

gender preference

I am absolutely fed up of people telling each other how they should feel, what they should say and how they should act. Obviously the biggest, my obvious, issue that is much talked about is the bottle/breast debate. Making themselves feel better about their own choices they rant away not considering the feelings of others … Read more

California Almonds #SnackHappy Challenge #HealthHop

California Almonds Snack Happy

I have been trying to improve my diet and one of the hardest things about eating healthily is the dip I have in my energy levels between meals. This results in me snacking. I try to eat the right things, like fruit, but sometimes the fruit isn’t enough. It tends to make me dip again … Read more

Happiness Inspiration #HealthHop


This week we received a copy of our youngest son’s School Sensory Profile. For the first time in writing he officially had Sensory Processing problems.  It detailed which areas and at what classification compared to his peers. He scored definite difference (meaning that his sensory processing difficulties were much more than others) in many areas. … Read more

Molluscum Contagiosium #HealthHop

Health hop

When you have had four children I think you get a general idea about whether to take your child to see a doctor or not. If it’s nothing serious then it’s usually more faff than it’s worth organising everything and everyone to get to the appointment. Then there’s a matter of will they need to … Read more

Homeless at Sixteen

I have been inspired to write this post following the news of the death of Maya Angelou, an inspirational woman. Please be aware that this post deals with some issues of a sensitive nature and some readers may find them upsetting. The first time I really felt that I took control of my life was … Read more

Light at the end of the Tunnel

Some days are dark and you cannot find your way. Sometimes you wish that someone would shine a flash light and just give you a helping hand. When the help does not appear and you think what is the point, lying in the dark hoping that death will come. But even death is not your … Read more

Asthma dangerous?

asthma dangerous

There has been a lot in the news lately about people not taking their asthma seriously. I have to put my hands up and say I probably am one of those statistics. Is it really dangerous and I seriously need to get my act together or is it a lot of hype about nothing? Growing … Read more

Anxiety – Mental Health Awareness Week 2014

anxiety awareness 2014

Anxiety can present itself as a phobia, a state that individuals constantly find themselves in, or something so chronic that is can result in an inability to hold down a regular job or maintain long-term relationships with friends, partners and family. The six main anxiety disorders are specific phobias, social phobias, panic disorder, generalised anxiety … Read more