Read on Get on – Save The Children

Read on Get on Save the Children

My son has just started secondary school, his homework was to pick a book to read for ten minutes at school today. This was really easy for him as he loves reading and finds it all too easy. Reading has opened up a whole new World to him, he can immerse himself in fantasy and … Read more

Loon to the Moon – Scottish Friendly Children’s Book Tour

loon on he moon

My children recently benefited from an author coming into school, reading to them, and signing copies of their book. Reading for me is a skill that everyone should learn as a child. It is an important and powerful tool towards education and independence. It makes me feel sad that not everyone has the same opportunities … Read more

Pinkoddy at Coombe Mill

coombe mill farm

The true beauty of Coombe Mill really cannot be encapsulated online. No matter how many talented photographers share their snaps there is nothing that can prepare you for the magic. We were very lucky to visit for the morning and I could really see us staying there with the boys not wanting to leave. So tranquil … Read more

Micro-Scooters for Schools

micro scooters for schools

Micro-Scooters for Schools At my youngest children’s school last week we had a Family Night and raffle where over £1,200 was raised. I would like to take this opportunity to say a big Thank you to Micro-Scooters UK for donating a Maxi Micro Scooter with T-Bar as a prize. A little boy who is turning 6 very soon … Read more

DC Super Friends Books

dc super friends books

My almost five year old boy typically loves Superheroes. So how fantastic was it for him to be able to help me review some DC Super Friends books from Random House. I personally was really impressed with the educational factor of the four books we were sent. My son’s special needs means that educationally he … Read more

Robotic Stegosaurus Review

robotic stegosaurus

About the Stegosaurus Dinosaurs are possibly one of the most appealing historical things to children. The Stegosaurus, with its distinctive row of kite-shaped plates rising vertically along its back, is one of the most easily identifiable of the dinosaurs. Pronounced STEG-oh-sore-us this plant eater lived about 150 million years ago in the Jurassic Period. Its … Read more

Inspirational Women Postcard #LastingChange

international womens day lastingchange

International Women’s Day (IWD) is marked on the 8th March every year. It is to show appreciation, love and respect in a celebration for women’s economic, political and social achievements all over the World. I have told you about Emma Hann a lady I admire from Scotland, but now I share with you an Inspirational Woman … Read more

Big Benefit Row – A Rant

benefits row

You know those books that you mean to get around to reading, but never do, yeah that. You see there’s a theory about a Selfish Gene and how we all need to fight for survival of the fittest. That is the only explanation I can see to all these “benefits” stuff. People who are not … Read more