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Introducing a Jeffing Pacer at Run Alton Towers 10K

AD: I have a free place as a Jeffing Pacer at Run Alton Towers 10K.

This November I am going to be a Jeffing Pacer at Run Alton Towers 10K with RunThrough. It will be my first time pacing a race, or even instructing a large group of people Jeffing. However, I have helped a small group of people Jeff before. This post is really for anyone thinking of joining me Jeffing the Alton Towers 10K this year.

Why I am Being a Jeffing Pacer at Run Alton Towers 10K

I absolutely love Jeffing. Even before I was injured it was helping my times and making me go faster. Since I started having pains it makes me feel reassured that it is better for me to prevent further injury. Run Alton Towers is a great fun race and afterwards you get to stay in the park and go on all the rides.

Not only is it a cheaper way to go to Alton Towers for you and your friends and family, but it is also quieter. Don’t worry your friends and family don’t have to run they can buy spectator tickets!

Whilst the race raises money for Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity.

What is Jeffing?

For those who aren’t familiar Jeffing is a run/walk technique – so named after Jeff Galloway. He ran the 1980 Houston Marathon in 2:16:35 while taking walking breaks at every mile. Thus showing it isn’t for people who can’t run/are slow etc – it’s a technique. In saying that it is good for slower runners and those recovering from an injury – but I believe that it is just because it is good for everyone!

How to do Jeffing

Jeffing, as I said, is a technique, so how long you run and walk is actually down to your pace. This is determined by your Magic Mile time. In a nutshell this means the time that you can run a fast mile at an even pace throughout. There are then different ratios. They will often look like 20/30; 30/30; 60/30 and so on. The first number is the amount of seconds you run, the latter the amount you walk.

Changing from a Run to a Walk and Back whilst Jeffing

You change from a run to a walk, and vice versa, by gliding. There are training techniques to help with this. Again basically this means not just stopping to walk but slowing down the run until it is a walk, then spending up the walk until it is a run.

You know when to change to a run or walk through alerts. You can do this by using a GymBoss or on a sports watch. Read my post for information on how to set up Jeffing Alerts on an Apple Watch.

Jeffing Pacer at Run Alton Towers 10K

Last year I used a 30:30 ratio at the Run Alton Towers 10K so have familiarity with Jeffing the Run Alton Towers 10K. As a pacer I know you have to be comfortable with the pace – and be chatty so this year I opted for a time of 1 hour and 20. This is also to factor in the hills. Most of which we ran up but I remember there was one time we walked.

Things to Consider as a Jeffing Pacer

As a Jeffing pacer it is going to be quite difficult because it hasn’t been done at Run Alton Towers before. It isn’t as simple as just all running and keeping together, as that’s not how Jeffing really works. If you have any advice it would be great – as it is also a new experience for myself.

Things I have thought of:

Here are some things that I have thought about. If you have any more questions or thoughts for me please drop them in the comments below or on social media.

Passing Others and Stopping to Walk

As I do not know how many people will join in I do not know how much of a problem lots of people weaving in and out of others will be. Run Alton Towers does however have a staggered start so possibly we should be just placed at the back. Then I guess we just need to stick to one side to overtake if there are others.

Next it’s how to alert people that we are changing. Is it better to just put my hand up in the air, shout, or get a whistle?

Run Walk Speeds

Another difficulty is that everyone runs and walks at different speeds. Personally I know that I am a quicker runner but my fast paced walk needs more work. Also I am not sure how much I can get to talk to those Jeffing before we start. Again hence I thought I would write this in case people are looking!

This is going to be particularly the case at Run Alton Towers 10km because of how undulating the course is.

Ratio & Consistent Km Time

Therefore, I figured what would make sense is to keep a consistent km time. If I can run each km at 8 minutes then we should finish at the correct goal of 1 hr 20. Then all those Jeffing need to do is to make sure they are at each km with me. I am also going to make sure I am on target for every 2.5km.

The ratio for the overall time/pace is 20:30. This isn’t something I had factored in and is something I am going to need to practice. Again I guess if people do a different ratio but want the overall time they could still do that and use me to gage the time (especially per km). Edit: After some practising I am sticking to 30:30.


Run Alton Towers 10k Saturday 11th November 2023

Alton Towers Resort
Alton, Staffordshire, ST10 4DB

Use coupon ALTONRESULTS10 for 10% off.

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