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Ross 10K Riverbank Run – The First Family Race with Club

Back in May our son’s running club mentioned the Ross 10k Riverbank Run. It sounded a good idea for the whole family to do it. That is those of us still at home, to clarify. Our youngest was finally old enough for a 10k and he’s wanted to do one for a little while.


Besides which this gave us all time to “train” and would help with the physical aspects of both boys’ DofE. We have pretty much got the boys to go to parkrun weekly. But also we did fit in a couple of extra runs, luckily including hill training. Obviously one of our son’s was weekly running with his club too.

The Course

As it was, I only really discovered anything about the course until the last minute. First that it was “off-road” and then that it was undulating! That my trail shoes weren’t needed but that my road shoes weren’t suitable either.

It is a lovely route really – along the riverbank (as the name suggests), but not a walk in the park! Mainly thanks to the “hill!”

Club Ross 10K Riverbank Run

The Ross 10K Riverbank Run was actually some sort of club run. What I didn’t realise is that this meant because our son belonged to the running club I got some money back for his place!

There were quite a lot of club runners and they were very welcoming. Straight away one man asked if our son from his club was there, as I had gone to get the bibs whilst they hadn’t got out the car yet.

Ross 10K Club Photos

Then they got into a group and had their group photos taken, which I was invited to join in with. A lot of the runners we know through various places like parkrun, the gym, my old running group, and well just because where we live isn’t all that big!

My Experience of Ross 10K Riverbank Run

There was plenty of space to Jeff from the start. Seeing as it was chip timed as well, I was happy to go nearer the back. The first bit is a loop around the field. There was a joke about not knowing that a hill was coming, probably because I mostly likely went off at a good speed. In hindsight I should have realised there was a hill, as most 10K runs that running clubs suggest have them!

The First 5k

It was quite hot and the first 5k was hard. It felt fast but the time on my watch said otherwise. Just before the 5k point I decided I should have done the 5!

There was water provided on the course so I didn’t take any – but at this point I hadn’t seen any. Usually I would take a bottle just in case but decided I didn’t need it. I was wrong!

Then one of the club runners was on the floor. People were seeing to him, so I explained that I was not stopping because he really didn’t need everyone crowding round but felt awful just carrying on. One of the ladies from club also said the same. It turns out that he had broken his fibula (and actually still finished just behind me).

Second half

There was very little shade and some of the path was reasonably narrow. But nothing to stop me from Jeffing (a run/walk technique). Although one part of a path had spikey plants hanging across. This was at around 5.5km. It is also at this point that two people with dogs came flying along. They had started 15 minutes behind me, so you can imagine at quite a speed. It meant that I had to move over into the spikey plants briefly to let them past.

The Hill at Ross 10K Riverbank Run!

It was also just after this point that the hill started and mentally it was just draining. The HILL went on for forever! It was hot and still no sign of water. Even at the top of the hill, where I hoped it would be.

The downhill was nice though and I recalled something about water at 7km. Just before 8km I didn’t know which way to go. A runner had caught up and told me it was left. As I looked to my left I could see that there was other runners.

The Water Station

Eventually just before the 8k marker was a water station. I drank a cup and then couldn’t see a bin so put the empty cup on the table saying thank you. She told me I needed to put it in the bucket further up. So I went back and did that.

Near the End

There was also a lot of moving side to side for Canicross on the way to the finish – I am assuming these were the 5km runners.

There was a marshal not long before the end who checked I was okay. I was far too hot and at this point just trying to finish. Round the corner still no finish.

A nice runner told me not far now. Finally could see the finish but still couldn’t even jog there so walked again. Got to the tape I think and managed to sprint. But that felt like it went on for forever!!

The best thing about finishing last in the family is that they make sure I am okay when I finish. I didn’t even have to go and collect my water they brought it to me. Plus they reminded me to put my ankle tag in the bucket.

The Mix Up during Ross 10K Riverbank Run

Then it turns out there was a bit of a mix up and so the teens cut out a mile – of HILL!! They asked me if I had run 10km and I said no it was a little bit short. Like the km markers started at 3km when it was around 2.89km.

The boys told me that I had gone the wrong way and not up the “proper” hill. That it was meant to be bigger. Honestly my hill was a beast and I was like, I don’t think so!

Looks like the issue had been rectified by the time I had got to that point. But because our club teen ended up as the first group to the water station they waited for the front runners. The race organisers then tried to recalculate the results to allow for the short cut. Of course this didn’t really take into account the waiting and our teen was not really too impressed with being moved down several spaces in the results.

Good Day Out

But all in all it was a really good day out with his club. He has had a laugh at Club since about him “cheating” too. Running club very kindly included us all and we joined their picnic. One of the ladies were celebrating her birthday – and I used to run with her at my old club.

Of course it was also lovely people complimenting me on my Jeffing and sprint finish too!

Definitely a race I would put on your to do list – but do make sure you do the big hill!

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