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Childhood Comforts

Let me introduce you to CAT

We bought Cat for our son when he was a 1 year old, and he is now 8. Cat has recently been stitched up the back (thank you Great Nanny) and she said really he needs restuffing (but that is a big nono). Great Nanny also has the same looking cat, bought at the same time, at her house – but this is NOT Cat, and our son is not interested in a replacement. Cat has a special hard bit on the front of his head – I can’t quiet remember how he got it, but it is rubbed a lot. And Cat has floppy ears where he is rubbed by our son’s fingers as he sucks his thumb. Our son, generally, sleeps with Cat every night, and he comes with us on holiday.

I remember my little brother wouldn’t part with the quilt off his cot – called it his Cuddle. And when our parents binned that  he became attached to a pillow he called his Pilly-pill. I myself am partial to having flannelette pillowcase covers – but these are in fact new ones.

Do you or your children have any childhood comforts? Can you/they sleep without them? Or have you had to part with one because they had been washed too much. Maybe you or your child do not like them to be washed.

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