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Well I thought it time we started to think about Christmas. I like to get the children excited in the build up to Christmas by doing some Christmas craft in the weeks leading up to it.

We have previously made Sheep which could be part of the nativity story.

This week we made Angels.

See the Christmas Pinterest board


First there were some simple cut out, colour and attach together Angels


And then we moved onto more complex Toilet Roll Holder Angels

(which were actually also very simple)

We made a face by drawing around the toilet roll holder and cut out the circle.

Then we drew the eyes, nose and mouth on.

Then we attached the face to the TRH with glue.

We made some wings by folding the paper backwards and forwards on itself.

We then made a halo by tying a circle into a bit of string and sellotaped it on.

We also cut out 2 hearts to make a dress.

Our Preschooler really enjoyed them and when the others came home from school were also keen to make one.

And the youngest discovered you can hang them up too – so can put them on the tree.

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