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LC Swansea

If you were thinking of where to go on holiday in the UK and what places you could visit whilst there – then I really recommend going to Swansea and visiting the LC (or if it’s within travelling distance – we made it a day trip but it was a long way to go).LC_poolA couple of years ago, thanks to the greatness that is Tesco’s Clubcard vouchers, we discovered the LC in Swansea (we paid completely just with vouchers – £20 worth for a family of 6).  They also have their own promotions – plus discount for locals.

The website has plenty of information – including how to get there and parking costs. Half of the parking costs also got credited back to us.

We went for the waterpool – and it was only when we got there we realised there was actually a lot more to the LC (and were offered discount if we were swimming on the rock climbing and softplay).

The 2 videos really show what is there. The board rider, however, did come at an additional cost.

For us we loved it because it catered for all the boys.

We all enjoyed the wave machine and the lazy river, and whilst the older ones were on the big slides there were little ones and water tipping etc to entertain the smaller ones. Just a shame we don’t live a lot closer. We were meant to be in there for 2 hours but it was nearly 3 hours before we’d all had enough and didn’t wait to be called out – and noticed actually it was a lot past our time! Our then 2-year-old was usually bored after 20 minutes in a pool too.

As you get half the parking back you may as well make the most of it and cross the bridge into the town too. Well worth a visit.

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