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Barry Island parkrun – Barry, Home of Gavin and Stacey

The Finale of Gavin and Stacey Christmas special was being filmed last week, so Barry Island parkrun came up as a suggestion of where to go. Unfortunately it looks like the last day of filming was Friday but nonetheless it was an excellent choice.

Barry Island parkrun facilities

There is a carpark right near the start/finish area. However free two hour parking is literally just up the road. Loads of free spaces were available but not sure if a warmer kind of climate would have made it more difficult to find one.

It is also across the road from the train station – so ideal if you need to use public transport, or just want a break from driving.

The cafe is next to the parkrun.

Toilets are also not far, however, I am unsure of the situation with them as we just didn’t use them. We always head off to McDonald’s for breakfast and use them there.

Friendliness of Barry Island parkrun

What I love about a parkrun in South Wales is that I always feel that they are really welcoming. Can’t comment on the North as we haven’t been up – not that they aren’t friendly!

Straight away I found Emily, my skort twin, and actually ended up missing the first timers briefing whilst another lovely tourist took our pictures and we chatted. Luckily I had already read up the important information!

Then I got chatting to someone whose home parkrun it was whilst lining up – sorry I didn’t get your name, in the unlikely event that you’re reading this, it was a pleasure meeting you and I hope you had a great run. She told me that actually it wasn’t the hill that was hard but the promenade because it felt like it went on forever!

Barry Island parkrun Course

What can I say, after some nice flat courses the last couple of weeks (at Isabel Trail parkrun and Bushy Park parkrun), Barry Island parkrun was challenging to say the least!

A two lap out-and-back. Described as heading “above the promenade” towards the headland of Jackson’s Bay. Here there’s a short, steep “slope” – then you head back to the start to do it all again.

Jeffing at Barry Island parkrun

Jeffing at Barry Island parkrun was largely okay. At the start it was quite wide so I was able to move to the sides to walk. Once we headed to the parts that headed towards the slope it did get a bit narrower, and so there were times I did carry on running (unless there was a good gap between me and the person behind).

No Sub 30

Emily was doing really well and several times I caught up with her. But the hills and early start was all a bit much for me. Thinking there was no chance I was going to get a sub30 I had really mentally given up.

However, there was another lady, Della, and I just knew she was fast. That she was capable of incredible things. We started yo-yoing and she inspired and motivated me to keep going. Not just because she was doing so well but because she was actually encouraging me too.

By this point 29 minutes had gone by and we were so close to the end. But I did not have it in me. She told me to carry on, that she was 69! How incredible. We did finish strong but it was a little late for the sub30. However, not bad for a tough course.

Plus I got a position bingo quite by chance!

Age Grading

Della beat her PB by 68 seconds and achieved a new age grade of 70.50%! This to me is why I love parkrun and feel that the Age Grade Records are just SO important. This was actually the fifth highest age grading too! The first finisher had 78.05%!

Other Barry Island parkrun Event 405 Stats

There were 172 participants finishing in times ranging from 17:14 to 52:53. There were 106 male, 60 female and 6 unscanned. Of those 104 finished within sub 30. There were 6 people doing their very first parkrun and a further 25 tourists. 18 people achieved a Barry Island parkrun PB.

First Finisher

The first finisher was obviously taking it easy finishing in an incredible time of 17:14 (his parkrun PB is an amazing 15:21. As he headed back down the promenade as I was going back up on my second lap. He has also completed an incredible 609 parkruns!

A quick look it seems that he is mostly, and not unsurprisingly, the first finisher. Why I think the first finisher stats are important – what an incredible young man (VM35-39). Whilst also having 84 volunteer credits to his name.

About Barry Island

Barry Island is a great place to visit. The beach was really quiet. Before parkrun we noticed that there were a few swimmers. Stupidly I had forgot to bring either my swimming kit or something to change into afterwards had I got into the sea in my running kit. As parkrun starts and finishes right near the beach it would be ideal to get straight into on a hot day. Personally I like a cold day but not everyone is into cold water swimming.

There’s also a small arcade, crazy golf, as well as the fairground and just generally a nice place to go for a walk.

Other Children

You may notice that I didn’t mention our teens running about Barry Island parkrun. This is because we got up really early in order to pick up our 21 year old from his student accommodation and take him instead. The boys did not want to get up quite that early.

As it happens they went to the local parkrun instead. With no-one to drive them, and us not being back in time to take our son to work, he ended up doing not much shy of his half marathon that day!

Next we are off to Mallard Pike parkrun for my final alphabeteer letter in the UK. Luckily Sarah, Jackie and Chrissy have all been before and written up reports!

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