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Help with Valentines for my Husband

Do you ever find that sometimes you think that you have told someone something but you haven’t? Or you expect them to know it, but they don’t? I think it is even harder in the days of over sharing when we put so much on social media sites like Facebook. An example of this for me is my new car. I had plastered it all over Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and thought I had told just about everyone about it – until I was speaking to a friend who hadn’t got a clue what I was talking about. I think lives are busier than ever but with the power of the internet with so many more connections it can be hard to keep up. For me this is why days like Valentine’s Day are so important. Yes ideally we should be doing and saying just how much we love each other every single day – but you know what sometimes life gets in the way; so it is good to just stop and pause and let them know. No it doesn’t have to be that day, yes it can be over priced and commercial – but it doesn’t have to be, and if you really want to buy flowers that aren’t ridiculously expensive chose another day!

Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

How to find the Perfect Valentine’s Gift for My Husband

When it comes to men I got very lucky. When you hear about those guys who forget birthdays, anniversaries, etc; leave everything up to their wives (packing, cooking, cleaning, and looking after the kids, you name it) – well that certainly isn’t mine! He is the most wonderful, kind, caring and hardworking person I know. He is so honest that when given a large amount of extra money at the bank (when making a withdrawal to buy a car) he noticed their mistake and returned it straight away. Not to forget that the said new car I mentioned above he bought me for my birthday (which isn’t until May) using the extra money he is getting in his new job! But the question is what exactly do I buy a man so amazing to show/tell him how wonderful he is?

Photo by Alex Holyoake on Unsplash

What I have seen on offer so far isn’t very appealing – some fluffy handcuffs (not exactly screaming out special), heart-shaped sweets (he has cut out refined sugar and wants us to join in with sugar-free February), teddies (we have both bought far too many of those in our years together) – same with keyrings! Meal out or holiday – rather difficult to arrange with our children! It was actually whilst I was looking at Experience days activities for kids when inspiration hit me – of course I would love to buy my husband a fancy new car but I just can’t afford it, but I could afford to get him an experience. I would remember this time not to make the mistake that involves heights (as I did previously with the hot air balloon flight!) but a driving experience would be more his thing I think. Trouble is I don’t know much about cars really so not sure whether to go for the learning to drift, or a McLaren, or an Aston Martin, or an Audi R8, Porsche Cayman – and well there’s loads of other choices so you can see my predicament!

Do you know anything about cars could you help me out please so it is still a surprise?



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