Anyway, I digress, what this got me to thinking about is how many rules do we actually need for children? There’s a free club set up in the holidays by a charity and the lady told me that they wanted to have the children for the day, but that there’s so much red tape involved in giving the children lunch that it just wasn’t feasible. Do children need this much protection? Can parents not make decisions anymore? Or are there too many vulnerable children because parents aren’t making the “right” choices?
And how much should schools be able to decide? With when you can go on holiday; what you can eat (the packed lunch debate); whether you are allowed to take photographs and when; if they can use social media – are just some of the things that I have come across. What next – will schools be able to dictate what time our children go to bed?
What do you think? Do we need all these rules? Should schools be able to decide so much?