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Micro Scooters Comparison Review

Comparing micro scooters @pinkoddy

It is almost time to go back to school; you may recall that my two middle boys had to move schools due to their younger brother’s special needs. They had to leave behind their friends, and everything they knew, and start again elsewhere (just before Easter). They have both settled in well and made new friends. The youngest also starts school in September and he has been given 20 hours on his statement for 1:1 provision. He is dealing with the summer pretty well, but it’s obviously very hard for him, and he often ends up taking it out on his 5 year old brother.

One of the benefits of moving schools was that it is closer to get to, which means we no longer need to use the car for the school run. This in turn means that the boys can use a bike or scooter to get to school. My 5 year old had really out grown his Ben10 Scooter and my 10 year old had broken his! Then I read this post about Micro Scooter Spares and Repairs and just knew that Micro Scooters would be perfect for my boys, and I loved the idea of how easy it was to get parts and/or repaired. I felt that the boys really deserved to have something back, as is it’s not easy being the “normal” kids in a family when the “special” ones get so much attention (I hate the terms normal and special, but don’t really know how else to illustrate what I mean). To be able to have something that would make their new schools seem more worth moving to, and something that helps encourage them outdoors and active was also a bonus.

I was absolutely delighted to be able to compare the Micro MX Trixx Scooter (with silver helmet) for my 5 year old with The Micro black scooter for my 10 year old, for free in return for this review. The boys picked very different scooters – the obvious difference being the colour.

I helped my 5 year old pick and went for a micro stunt scooter after watching this video:

I thought that it was a good idea to get a stunt scooter as we have skatepark very close by and I believe it will be easier for him to learn how to use a scooter for more than pushing along, if he starts early enough. I therefore, considered it absolutely essential that he had a helmet, to ensure that he was safe. I now need to buy him elbow and knee pads – which I had not considered until we were at the park. The scooters came with a guide on how to be safe – which the boys both read before leaving the house.

Indeed the board was “mini” as demonstrated here by my teen placing his foot on the deck.

Micro MX Trixx Scooter was indeed lighter and easier to manage. It managed the ramps with ease and had better handling. The handle bars have good grips and it is slower than the Micro Black Scooter, which is good because I don’t want him to go off too far, too fast, when I have to look after his younger brother.

Good to have the teen outside with us too

The next major difference was the wheels. I had persuaded my 5 year old to have a scooter with wheels which were likely to be less prone to broken glass, as unfortunately that seems to be a bit of an issue at our park. The 10 year old, however, really liked the look of the large wheels, which were described as making it less of an effort to scoot – and indeed they do make his scooter move faster.

The Micro Black Scooter was better over the grass and had no problems at all: The micro stunt scooter however struggled.

The Micro Black Scooter was faster, and had a nice wide foot plate, making it easier to keep up with friends on the school run. To keep me happy there is a front mud guard to help protect his (school) trousers from getting dirty – let’s see what other excuse he can come up with! The low to the ground deck means it puts less stress on the back, but meant that he could not go up the ramps at the skate park (which obviously his brother’s scooter did with ease). He also said this made it difficult for crossing roads, which for me is a good thing as I’d prefer he got off his scooter and carried it safely across the road. It also has very comfy handle bars. This scooter is recommended for ages 10 to adult, so I dare say it was selected as it made him feel very grown up.

I would definitely say these scooters were worth every penny. They are incredibly well built and of high quality. They will last for years and grow with the children too, so over the long term not that expensive. There are all manner of add ons that I’m sure the boys will want now – drinks holders, lights for wheels etc – you should have a good luck around the website.

Both the boys really love their scooters and are looking forward to trying out some of these more than 50 things to do with your scooter challenges.

Why not check out the other Reviews by other bloggers 

Maxi Micro T Bar – by MummyMummyMum

Maxi Micro Scooters – by Love Chic Living

Mini Micro Scooter Review – by MummyNeverSleeps

Maxi Micro Scooter Joystick Review – by ActuallyMummy

Micro Scooters – by RedTedArt

Union Jack Maxi Micro Scooter -by Life at the Zoo

Candy Lilac Microscooters – Emma and Three

Mini Micro 3in1 Scooter – Being Mrs C

We received 2 Micro Scooters and a helmet in order to write this comparison review. No other compensation has been given. All opinions and photography are my own.

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