I’m going to be straight with you from the start that this is a review post of the e-cloth for kitchen and windows. I received free e-cloths but have not been compensated in any other way and all words and opinions are my own.
Now to tell you What’s the Story.
We used to live in a 3 bedroom housing association house which was too small for our needs as both the oldest and youngest children needed their own rooms due to their special needs. We were `entitled’ to a 4-bedroom house but had to bid on properties. The main problem with this is that the reason we were able to bid for a 4 bed was due to the children’s needs but the properties did not take those needs into account – such as we would have to uproot and move quite far away. I say entitled as also I do not like the idea that you can just have a bigger property because you have had more children (personally). Maybe that is to do with getting away from the stereotyped teenage mother of only having children to get a council place – anyway that’s not the story here.
To cut a long story short we bought a 3 bedroom property that needed a lot of work but had had a garage conversion. We turned the conversion into a bedroom to mean we had an affordable 4 bed. This is the story of the garden. Overgrown, unloved and full of trees. One tree was over 30ft height AND it turns out secured into the ground with a concrete base and wall built around it under the ground! With a lot of hard work my husband has finally got the tree out (a needed job to be able to put up a fence and give the neighbours the correct boundaries again).
Being a detached house it meant that anything coming from the back garden had to come through the house – meaning lots of mud and mess. After the gardening was done I thought that this was the perfect time to test out the e-cloths. If I am honest I hate cleaning and do the basics. With the sun shining too I really wanted to do the windows. I am useless at cleaning windows and have tried vinegar, washing up liquid, even window cleaner – but it always ends up looking worse than when I started! With the e-cloth you simply add water and I can honestly say that it did a great job of cleaning my windows and frames (both UPVC and wood) without smearing.
So back to the picture, I am loving Lego Photography and thought that was just the perfect way to combine my window cleaning and garden. Using the Penguin’s lines, “What the hell is happening down there? Hello? Is someone going to answer me?” from Batman Arkham City (2011) to look through the freshly cleaned windows to see what is occurring in my garden. I am joining in with What’s The Story as I am looking at inspirational photography bloggers to help me on my journey to take better pictures.
I also had a kitchen cloth and can say that it cut through the toughest of stains and dirt with just water. The e-cloth has unique fibre technology which breaks up and holds grease, dirt and bacteria. The e-cloth has health benefits by not using chemicals, particularly beneficial to those with asthma (like myself), or suffering allergies. Not having to buy chemicals saves time and money by not having to keep going shopping. It was great that one cloth did all and I did not have to keep finding different products/cloths. I think I would prefer to have separate kitchen worktop and floor clothes.
How about you? Could you just use water to clean your house?
I received free e-cloths in order to review them. I am interested in making less waste and improving my health. I received no other compensation. All words and opinions are my own.