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Ultimate List of Fundraising Ideas to Help your London Marathon Charity

You may be asking yourself, “How can I fundraise for the London Marathon?” This may be because you are either passionate about a charity, or feel it’s unlikely you will get in through the ballot. Either way you will be pleased to know that there’s a huge amount of London Marathon Fundraising Ideas readily available out there – and that’s before you get started with being creative with your own!

Sponsorship Form

When it comes to fundraising there is always the obvious answer of a sponsorship form. The beauty these days is that you can collect money on or offline. This means that you will have further reach as you don’t actually have to meet people in person for them to be able to donate.

Set a fundraising target and get sharing it on social media. Remember how powerful social media is – remember the Ice Bucket Challenge – and how everyone tagged others in to do the same. It raised over $220 million worldwide!

You want to set this up as soon as possible. Did you know that those who set up their fundraising 3 months before the event raise on average twice as much as those who start after? That those who start as soon as they receive their London Marathon place raise an extra £700.

Why Should People Sponsor you?

Think about what it is that will make people want to sponsor you. Maybe you are completing the London in fancy dress which will make it harder; or perhaps you have an emotional story to share about why the fund raising is so important to you.

Further Sponsoring Ideas

Maybe you could be doing something else to be sponsored for on top of your marathon such as:

Typical Fundraising Ideas

Bag Packing

Some typical ideas are of course things like bag packing. These can be done several times, depending on how soon you start your fundraising. But remember a lot of people will want to do the same so book the supermarkets well in advance, especially for the best times.

Yard Sale

A yard sale is a good way that people can help you with your fund raising target by donating their unwanted items. Plus they could help out with collecting the money for the sale of such items.

Book Sale

Likewise if people donate enough books then a book sale is an option. Often these can be left with an honesty box. People may also add their own books too!

Ways to Get others to help with Fundraising

Good Fundraising Events

Fundraising events are a great way to get your donations up. They are really easy to get creative with – thinking about what the people you know would be interested in.

If you can find a way of getting together that also could be a World Record Attempt that could further encourage people to want to take part.

Sporting Events

Donations of Money or Prizes

You can either ask for a certain amount to participate or for donations, you may even offer a prize as a further incentive. Maybe you could find a local business who are willing to donate this. Or if you can get lots of prizes you could run a raffle and/or tombola alongside your event.

Other Fundraising Ideas

Best of luck with your fund raising and Marathon. If you have already done this do you have any further good fundraising ideas please?

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