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Showing Love without a high price tag

showing love without a high price tag

February the 14th is coming around again which means that love is in the air. Although this holiday has got quite commercialised I still think it is a time to stop and make sure me and my husband show each other we love one another (and this does not have to cost money, or a lot at least). Now before someone argues that we should be doing this everyday we do do a lot of things every day, this is a bit more. And if my husband had it his way he’d be buying me a dozen red roses every day (and I’d rather the money go on other things).

I’m sure there’s many more but I asked some other bloggers for ideas on what ways they show someone you care without spending a lot of money:

Jenny from MummyMishaps – Do some IOU or promises cards could be romantic ones, eg picnic for 2, massage, or nice gestures eg . get the kids up one Sunday so you can have a lie in or do the vacuuming etc etc

Jayne from Mums the Word – points over to the matter in the research which will also improve a woman’s health and fight depression

Laura from Tired Mummy of Two – Hide little love notes around the house, in their coat pocket, lunch box etc

Rebecca from Here Come the Girls –  I think basic things are more important than grand gestures, like asking how they are and actually listening, not snapping at them about trivial things, looking after then when they’re poorly, not slagging them off to mutual friends all the time. General not taking them for granted I suppose.

Penny from Being Mrs C says –  I once wrote a book of promises – things like “I will do the washing up five times when it’s not my turn” “I will do the bins when it’s not my turn” Went down very well.

Lucy from Wonderthift  suggests Building a campfire and toast marshmallows and talk about your life dreams.

Lizzie – from Me and My Shadow has some Romantic Energy Saving tips , made a Just Because I love You Book, and a Jigsaw puzzle photo keyring.

Helen from The Crazy Kitchen  – cooking a big fat steak & popping a bottle of Stella in the fridge usually does the trick here.

Michelle from Mummy from the Heart – Book a babysitter and then send him an email at work to tell him we are going out that night. Get all dressed up and greet him with a kiss when he returns with kids all ready in PJs and have a nice meal out.

Also check out the 31 Days of Love over on RedTedArt where on Day 20 you can find my Wire Beaded Heart 

What ideas do you have for Valentine’s on Budget?

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