Our 7 year old son loves his bicycle. He is the first one of our boys to get the hang of riding a bike early on. For Christmas he asked for a bicycle with gears – despite the fact that he had not grown out of his previous one. He uses it twice a day five times a week to school and back (when he’s not on his Microscooter) and sometimes plays out on it (just outside our house), or to the park. He was absolutely thrilled that he was given the opportunity to review The Fuze Wheel Writer Deluxe.
Fuze Wheel Writer Deluxe
The Fuze Wheel Writer Deluxe is a great way for children to customise their bicycles and scooters. It attaches to the spokes of wheel and creates a light display as the bicycle is pedaled. This was fairly simple to do with a screw driver. It is best for wheel size 20 and up, which is around aged 8+ and no upper age limit. It works both during the day and at night. The battery operated (3 X AAA not included) computer controlled LEDs flash on and off to create pre-programmed images and patterns, with the option of adding your own unique picture or message with an IOS device. The faster the bike is pedaled the more awesome the effects look – and you can even have it as a speedometer. So now race your friends and see who is going fastest. Water resistant and auto shut off.
Verdict of the Fuze Wheel Writer Deluxe
My 7 year old was over the moon. As I say he loves his bike and so this was always going to be a winner. He loves the fact that it doesn’t matter if it rains too! I think it is a great addition to a bicycle/scooter and anything that encourages children (and adults) outdoors is always going to be a winner! It certainly will make the rider more visible, but I am not sure of whether this would be too distracting on the roads for other drivers. We haven’t been able to see all the combinations of patterns available – but you have to also be going fast to keep up. This would make a great gift idea.
Skyrocket Toys are behind this exciting new brand. They design innovative and fun products delivering cutting-edge technology at consumer friendly prices. Their elegant design and user-friendly interfaces make their products really stand out from the rest.
Price: £29.99 from Argos.co.uk
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Ends July 9th 2015 0:00 AM BST