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Plenty Easy Clean Wipes #Review

Would you believe it if I told you that in a house full of males my house is always a mess?! Whether that’s mud from the garden, toothpaste spat out in the sink and not washed away, food stuck in the sink or left on the worktop, spilt milk, wee on the toilet seat, hairs in the bath – ok, ok I think you get the point. That’s just everyday mess – never mind when we decide to have an arts and crafts session!

My husband and I decided that for most of our house we liked white (and black). When we redid our bathroom, in our infinite wisdom, we declared to continue the white theme: I think we forgot that we have 4 boys! So I was delighted when I was asked if I would like to try New Plenty Easy Clean Wipes.

About New Plenty Easy Clean Wipes

Plenty Easy Clean Wipes come in a tough, waterproof container that dispenses the wipes one at a time. This meant that it allowed me to quickly grab one out of the packet and clean up the mess, but only taking what I needed. Plenty Easy Clean Wipes are available in Multi-Purpose, Anti-Bacterial and Bathroom, each with a unique dispensing system and PerfectSeal lid to keep wipes moist for longer (meaning even the wipe at the bottom of the packet is effective). There are then refill kits once your starter kit wipe have run out. The wipes keep their shape until the job is done and then need disposing of in the bin (do not flush). As they are wipes it makes it easier to clean every nook and cranny. They stay wet meaning that I haven’t got to use another just because they have dried out.

How Plenty Easy Clean Wipes handle Difficult to clean stains

The most annoying and toughest stain for me is definitely the limescale that builds up around the taps in the bathroom. Not only are the wipes good for getting as close to the tap as possible but Plenty Easy Clean Wipes Bathroom help to prevent limescale build up when used regularly (and kill 99.9% of bacteria (Tested to EN1276)). Plenty Easy Clean Wipes Anti-Bacterial kill 99.9% of bacteria (also tested to EN1276), leaving surfaces hygienically clean – so great for that all important fridge door handle (I HATE with a passion how sticky that gets!) and the bin (also the rest of the kitchen and high chairs if you have them). Or you can buy Multipurpose wipes that mean you can use for all your everyday cleaning – great for the worktops and glass surfaces too.

My Verdict of Plenty Easy Clean Wipes

The Plenty Easy Clean Wipes were easy to use and effective at cleaning. I really liked that when you removed the outer packaging that underneath was a white bottle with stylish pattern that fitted in well in my house enough to leave it out on display. The wipes were easy to put in and thread through the starter kit bottle and pull out one by one.

I did, on only one occasion, pull out the wipes so that a second one came out too far. I soon learnt not to pull quite so hard. I liked how I could easily move from surface to surface utilising the same wipe. For example, I was able to use the same wipe on the bath that was then used on the floor. Usually I would not do this as it would later be reused in the bath (a sponge or washed cloth) but as it would be binned afterwards it eliminated this worry.

The wipes removed most stains but did struggle with the limescale build up around the tap. To be fair to the product it says that it helps prevent build up not eliminate it. It will be interesting to see how effective this is over a long period of time. The most useful thing about the wipes for me was the easy that I could clean the wee around the toilet from my white laminate floor. I did find that they left a bit of soapy behind on glass and chrome – but this was easily removed when wiped with a dry cloth. The Multipurpose wipes were excellent for removing the felt tip pen my son had used to draw on his new bed. I would certainly recommend them.

Available from Morrison’s, Asda and Waitrose

Starter Kit with dispenser and 30 wipes RSP £2.99

Refill packs RSP £1.99


I received Plenty Wipes free of charge in order to review them and will receive payment for my time. All words and opinions are honest and my own, and were not influenced at all.

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