Why Early Childhood Education Is Important for Further Academic Success

boy doing viking wordsearch

This is a commissioned post. Early Childhood Education (ECE) forms the cornerstone of children’s academic success and personal development. Experiences and learning opportunities offered to a child during these years have an immense effect on their cognitive, social, and emotional development and lifelong learning. In this article, we will examine why ECE is crucial for … Read more

Science Resources for Home Education

cartoon scientist and science resources for home education

Science is such a fun subject, the one I remember most from my own education. The beauty of home education means you can dip into whichever method of learning works best for that moment in time – so I have compiled some different, fun, ways for learning science. Practical ways to help Children Learn Science … Read more

Alton Towers Educational Workshops

cups and cards to learn about forces and motion

As children headed back to school last week we headed for Alton Towers Resort with our Merlin Annual Pass. You may recall we have already been this season but this time however was to attend one of their educational workshops. The day was arranged by a kind lady in one of the Home Education groups, … Read more

Home Education and the Eleven Plus

two boys working at explore learning workshop

People home educate for all sorts of reasons but you may recall that our main reason was because our son was bored at school. He was fed up of repeatedly doing times tables and never feeling like he was learning anything. If I spent half an hour a day teaching him something that was more … Read more

Our Home Education over the Summer Holidays so far

boy climbing a tree with harness

Home education over the school holidays has felt a bit weird really. With their brother home the boys have seemed to do academic work much easier without fighting it – but I guess there’s also the fact that because it is the teen’s holidays the boys have also been allowed to play computer games more. … Read more