Reviews, Sponsorship, Advertising & Contact

I am very active on the internet, as well as engaging with many people offline. I feel I have a lot to offer in terms of reviewing and promoting your brand. For further information including rates then please get in touch.

I will review things that are related to my Family and therefore my blog – this also means only things that are suitable for all the family.

Some reviews are things that I have decided to Blog about because I felt strongly about them. All reviews will state if I have received a product/tickets/service for free or if it is a sponsored post etc. See my DISCLOSURE page.

My returns policy is such that I will only return the product if there is no expense to myself. Generally I will keep the product. I am happy to run competitions in order to offer my readers products.

All reviews will have my honest opinions – whether good or bad. However, if I am particularly dissatisfied with a product I have been asked to review I will discuss this before publishing.

I accept Sponsorship, Advertisements, Guest Posts, Products for review, Competitions/Giveaways. If there is anything else you think I may consider then also get in touch.

Please do not ask me to work for free.

If you wish for me to review a product/service/attraction then please contact me on

16 thoughts on “Reviews, Sponsorship, Advertising & Contact”

  1. Hi there,
    My name is Sue and I am a content writer & webmaster. Today, I have visited your site and must say that it is great in terms of information provided in the content. Your site is exactly the sort that I’d love to write for.
    I specialise in interior design and fashion, and would like to contribute one guest post to your site. I wonder if you would permit me to write for you? My post will be written for your site audience and I assure you that the post will be unique and informative for your readers.
    Let me know if this is something to your liking and I’ll get started on it right away. I am also more than happy to send you some examples of recent work if you would like to see some.
    Best wishes,

  2. Hi Joy
    I am keen to discuss any exciting new opportunity to work with us on an exciting new product launch
    I look forward to hearing from you and forwarding further details

    Kind regards
    Vicky Thomas
    Brand Marketing Manager

  3. Hello,

    My name is MAria and I’d love to discuss with you the possibility of buying some advertising space on your website.

    If this is something you’re interested in, then please let me know so that we can arrange a deal that suits both of us.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply.

  4. Hi Joy,

    We are a brand aiming to keep people organised with our Magnetic Weekly Planner, which is an A3 sized fridge whiteboard,

    This is an ideal asset for busy mum and it creates an opportunity to teach kids the value of planning and organisation.

    If you feel our product would resonate with your audience, please let us know if it would be suitable for a YouTube review, a social media shout out or blog post.

    Look forward to hearing from you and hope to work with you.

    Kind regards

    Marcus, Plan smart.

  5. Hi Joy,

    I’ve just come across your blog and wanted to share a bit about our charity with you because it might just help some of your readers!

    At Green Corridor, we run programmes to help young people, with alternative educational needs (Autism and SPD definitely included!), to gain confidence, life skills and social experience, alongside national recognised qualifications. Our small group sizes of differing ability, skill and age allow young people to develop their skills at their own pace, while supporting and often guiding others. We’re based near Heathrow Terminal 5 (TW19 6BS) but we’re often on trips over London and the local counties.

    Young People Within Education or Training (including 14 -16)
    We may still have a space available to support you. Costings set on an individual basis depending on the number of days a week, number of qualifications and the level of support needed. Please contact Green Corridor to find out more about taster days and costings for your specific young person.

    Young People Outside of Education or Training (16 – 25)

    Funding for our courses is sought through the Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP), if you do not have an EHCP please contact the team as we may be able to support you to do this. Courses are run up-to 4 days a week and run for the whole academic year.

    Catering and Hospitality
    Courses are free, you do NOT have to have an EHCP to join. Courses are run 2 days per week and run for 12 weeks.

    Please let me know if you need/want any more information, or if you want to come out for a visit!

  6. Hi,

    Hope you are having a wonderful time!

    I am Shafiq and I work for an online agency referred to as “Futuristic Artists”.

    I was intrigued in your site because of the exquisite family oriented info and sensations it displayed.

    I was wondering if you allow sponsored post on your site? If yes, kindly reply me with the best price per post.


  7. Hi

    My name is Zahid and I””m with Perennial Relations, a PR firm in NYC and London.

    I have a client who is interested in doing a blog post on your site in blog section

    We””re happy to write the post on any topic you suggest, or have you write the post that we””ll sponsor (please just let us approve the topic prior to writing). One important note is we””ll need a text link back to my client””s website within the article.

    I””m authorized to offer up to $60 for the post, and can pay via Paypal or check. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you!

    Rest be assured we are not looking for pone time partnership. We are an outreaching agency and have multiple clients and looking for long term working relationship

    Note: We never deal with Casino/Gambling links at all.

    M Zahid
    Director of Public Relations

  8. Sponsored editorial post on


    I’ve checked your site am interested in a sponsored posting on your site with a do-follow backlink to my website.
    I’ll be glad to provide my own, premium-quality content.

    Can you please tell me how much it will cost to publish a sponsored post on your website and is there a chance to get discounts for orders on a regular basis.

    Soundar Rajan

  9. Hi,

    I came across your landing page at and noticed you’ve listed a range of great resources there.

    I work for FutureLearn, and we offer online maths, science and engineering courses created by experts from leading universities and organisations.

    I think we’d be a great fit for your resource page. FutureLearn helps learners brush up on basic science and numeracy skills or master advanced topics like robotics and forensics.

    It would be great if you would consider linking to our Science, Engineering & Maths Courses page

    Thank you for your support, we’re extremely grateful.

    Kind regards,

    Hannah Smith

  10. Hey there,

    Mills here, reaching out on behalf of a client.

    Currently, we have clients in the chartered air space, home/design, gambling, SaaS/tech, Outdoors, parenting, travel, and few other verticals.
    Your site is a perfect fit and I would like to know your T&Cs? Editorial content fee etc?

    Kind regards,

  11. Hi!

    I am an outreach executive reaching out to offer guest posts for your blog.

    Please let me know your charges for each article. I can compensate you through PayPal or Payoneer.

    You’ve to post Do-Follow links and no sponsor tag should be used in my articles. We expect you to keep my posts on your blog for at least an entire year.

    I guarantee that my posts will be written to fit your blog’s niche.

    You can rest assured we do not promote gambling, pornography, malicious, or illegal links in our content.

    I wish to build a long-term relationship with you so that we can work together in the future as well.

    Always here to answer you.


  12. Hi
    I am Aubrey. I am the Outreach Specialist of Asiwo;
    I am writing today to see if you are open to a collaboration with us.
    I was looking around the internet for relevant and high-quality sites – and I found yours! Your writing style and your water activities posts are a great indication of awesome work together. What do you think?
    Please let me know if we can work something out! We’d be thrilled to whip an article or something for your site.
    Awaiting your response!

  13. Article order on

    We found your website through a search engine. Do you have
    any advertising possibilities available?

    Sponsored content is something we’re very interested in.

    We would like to write an article with a backlink to sports betting/casino sites
    on your website or blog?

    How much do you charge for a do-follow link in a post?

    We might still be interested in general links in case you are not accepting
    links to gambling sites

    Please include a price for it.

    On the off chance that you have any extra sites to offer, send a sites list
    along with prices.

    We hope to hear from you as soon as possible. “

  14. “Greetings

    I didn’t hear back from you. Just wondering, did I do something wrong?

    I’m dropping you a line to see if you accept paid article publication on your

    I write about the topic related to your website theme with 500 plus words
    and include a backlink to our sports betting/ casino website and thought
    an article would be a good fit for your blog.

    kindly let me know how much you will charge to publish a guest article?

    Note: On the off chance that you have any extra sites to offer, send a sites
    list along with prices.

    Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to working
    with you!

    Thanks and Regards”

  15. “Greetings

    I didn’t hear back from you. Just wondering, did I do something wrong?

    I’m dropping you a line to see if you accept paid article publication on your

    I write about the topic related to your website theme with 500 plus words
    and include a backlink to our sports betting/ casino website and thought
    an article would be a good fit for your blog.

    kindly let me know how much you will charge to publish a guest article?

    Note: On the off chance that you have any extra sites to offer, send a sites
    list along with prices.

    Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to working
    with you!

    Thanks and Regards”


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