Home Education Socialising

home educated children at the park

I think the big concern a lot of people have is with worrying about the social side. My son tells me that in school they aren’t really allowed to talk apart from at break, and then they tend to run around playing something like tag, so they do not really talk to each other. As … Read more

Home Education Chill Day

cinema home education

The hardest thing about Home Education for me is what I guess is referred to as Unschooling. For me it is this notion that between 9-3 I must be teaching my children things (with the exception of break and lunchtime). I keep worrying that the boys aren’t doing enough (but people keeping telling me we are … Read more

Home Education Sound and English

sound home education

I am writing regular updates on our Home Education journey because I think it will be interesting to look back on, makes me feel like I have some sort of record and to be honest seems to be the only chance I have to blog! I refer to it as Home Education rather than Home … Read more

Home Education Week 2

phases of the moon model

With week one of Home Education being such a success I am pleased to say that week two went even better. We definitely got a lot more learning done (more than I could possibly remember to tell you – and I am not going to even try to record every detail as that is not … Read more

Home Education: Our First Week

ladybug on leaf

I finally took the plunge, after months of consideration, and have deregistered my youngest two children from school. In fact it was a scarily easy process that I literally copied and pasted some words into a letter and handed into the Head teacher. This is what our first week looked like. Monday Home Education Day … Read more

Party Political Manifesto Affects on Education

If you are undecided about the upcoming Election then you may want to consider the impact each of the parties has on education. Schools are suffering from underfunding – meaning they have had to cut school hours, being forced to drop subjects from the curriculum, increase class sizes or cut staff numbers. Buildings are going un-repaired … Read more

Education Quizzes Review

eleven plus maths quiz

About Education Quizzes Family business Education Quizzes aim to promote family time and quizzing together. As an addition they also help boost academic success too. Their primary objective being to help children be successful by making the school curriculum easy and enjoyable. Quizzes are written by teachers and cover KS1, KS2, 11-Plus, KS3 and GCSE … Read more

All the Information You Need for Your Child’s Education

All the Information You Need for Your Child's Education (and more)

We all want what is best for our children and most importantly that they are happy. Their school years are some of the most important in their life – so it is best that they go somewhere that is fulfilling and rewarding as can be. Choosing the right establishment for that experience to occur is … Read more