ZENB – What to Know About The Plant-Powered Food Brand

#ADGifted I was delighted to receive a box full from the ZENB plant-based range! ZENB comes from the word zenbu – the Japanese expression for whole. This is because they embrace as much of the whole plant as possible to provide an easier way to live a plant-fuelled balanced lifestyle. About ZENB ZENB is an … Read more

Menopause Lifestyle Changes You Need To Know About Now

Unless you’re already doing them, menopause lifestyle changes are something that should be thought about long before the perimenopause even starts. In fact they are really something that should be considered by those in their 30s at least! Menopause is actually the day when there has been an absence of periods for a year. However … Read more

How Easy HRT is to Increase with Returning Symptoms

For those who have been following my HRT journey here is an update since my last HRT review. For context I started HRT in June and the review was in September. Recap of My HRT Journey and About Me For those unfamiliar I have been suffering for years with perimenopause symptoms. Actually the first time … Read more

How to Handle Teen Perfectionism – Becky Goddard-Hill

Today’s guest post on Teen Perfectionism is from wellbeing author and psychotherapist Becky Goddard-Hill. Here she shares an extract from her brand new book Be Confident Be You – a Teenage Guide.  In her book Becky looks at the problems with teen perfectionism and suggest ways they can tackle this so it doesn’t dent their … Read more

Standon Calling Suitability for the Whole Family #Review

Standon Calling has everything I could ask for in a family friendly festival. Because being family friendly is more than not having people behave badly it’s about the example you are setting to the next generation! This was a gifted trip. Standon Calling Suitability for Families If you are looking for a family friendly festival … Read more

Virtual London Virgin Marathon – The 40th Race

I had agreed to run the Virtual London Virgin Marathon for Winston’s Wish just 4 weeks before the big day. I am not great at training for anything but had been running regularly and followed advice from the tapering weeks. Kit for the Virtual London Marathon The big trouble with not training properly for a … Read more

School Summer Holidays during Corona Virus

The school summer holidays are really odd this year. It is actually the first time in years that it is truly the holidays because whilst we were home educating we had kept work going throughout, even if that meant just the twice weekly sessions with Explore Learning. But with our youngest returning to school in … Read more