Home Education Chill Day

The hardest thing about Home Education for me is what I guess is referred to as Unschooling. For me it is this notion that between 9-3 I must be teaching my children things (with the exception of break and lunchtime). I keep worrying that the boys aren’t doing enough (but people keeping telling me we are doing loads!). That actually the boys are learning things outside of these hours so I don’t know why I feel that I have to do things during “school” hours is silly really. Especially when it is considered how much of that time they would be actually learning if they were at school. In fact recognising when they need down time or optimal for learning is probably the key to the success of home education in my opinion. In fact it was my husband that recognised that we all could do with some down time and suggested a chill day. In fact I believe that they worked harder still the following day.

Tuesday Home Education Chill Day

We had been trying to get in at the cinema at the weekend to watch the new Marvel film and thought that actually we stood a better chance when most people were at work and school (we were not wrong). We popped to McDonalds for breakfast first. There the lady behind the counter asked me if I actually taught them anything and where I was shocked at the stares! Honestly the guy on the table behind and the woman at the next table just kept staring right at the boys – I am glad that they just didn’t seem to notice! Next we got some sweets for the film – and of course my boys were the only children there. They did a good job of making the balance between not being too noisy and talking about the film (explaining to me who was who, and from which previous film!) After the film we discussed what we thought and why certain things happened the way they did.

cinema home education
Photo by Kilyan Sockalingum on Unsplash

The boys were delighted to be able to play Fortnite when they got home (and there happened to be a new update for it!). It was really nice to hear them telling their friends what a good day they had had. I have heard about concerns from the NSPCC about the chat feature on this game but after speaking again to my son I am happy that he is muting the chat feature and ignoring any written text. He is aware of the dangers and we continue to have a conversation about it.  It is good for them to be able to vocally communicate with their friends and I think restricting this will only mean that they are not aware of the dangers.

Then it was time for the 10 year old to have his swimming lesson, and The Sensory Seeker snuggled down with me and listened to another chapter of Harry Potter.

11 thoughts on “Home Education Chill Day”

  1. Oh I’m so cross for you that people think it’s any of their business how or where you educate your kids. Sounds like it’s all going brilliantly, wish I could take Lib out of school for a chill day sometimes.

  2. It sounds like you had a lovely day….
    A chill day sounds great. Don’t feel too bad. Even when kids are at school there is time set aside to do fun things. This afternoon my 10 year old is having a play afternoon where they can either play outside, on the computers or do artwork.

  3. Chill day is great.. sometimes we learn outside of books and lessons. It makes perfect sense to take a day to enjoy life and family. I’m glad you all had a fun time and enjoyed the movie.

  4. You sound like you have the homeschooling mastered! I would struggle with knowing what is enough also. But how fun to spend the day with your kids like that.

  5. It sounds like you really have a handle on home schooling. I think they can learn so much more and faster with with 1 on 2 learning. As for the people in McDonald’s I can’t believe that employee used no filter on her mouth and I hope you forget all about their stares they have no right without knowing you.

  6. How disrespectful for those people around you to stare! Honestly, you’re doing an amazing job and they were in no right to treat you and yours that way.

    But on a lighter note, I’m glad you all had a fun day despite the inconvenience!

  7. Sounds like you really had a great time. My kid will surely enjoy this game! Thanks for sharing!


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