I can’t believe that this was the last week of half term already. We started the week with a CSI session organised by one of the other parents. There were problems to solve and clues to figure out who murdered who! It was great fun and then the boys went to a birthday party (which even involved letting the sensory seeker skip swimming). The following day was our relaxed Tuesday where I told the boys they could utilise the internet to learn whatever they wanted to. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the 10 year old was on YouTube discovering more about other children whose lives weren’t as easy as his (those who cannot see, those with too much skin etc). Then we went to visit their Great Nan on our bikes to see what she needed in the way of food shopping before getting our hairs done. In the afternoon there was the usual Explore Learning and swimming lesson.
Wednesday my husband’s car had to go into the garage so we took him to work before cracking on with some Maths, German and Non-verbal reasoning. We then went into town and visited the local market where we bought a logic book. Followed by the free local library session which was about the local battle and covered History, Geography and Art. We popped into the bank to pick up some Euros and I found it increasingly disturbing how strangers feel they are able to just talk to my children in a different way because they are not at school (they were sat at a table within sight as I waited in the queue). As it was almost my birthday we treated ourselves to a meal deal at Morrisons that includes the salad bar. Next the boys did their home education sports session before meeting up with other home educators in the park. We then collected their dad from work, had dinner and the 10 year old watched more videos on YouTube of kids with additional needs before heading off to Explore Learning for his 11+ session.
As we were going to be away the following week the 10 year old did the material he would do in the 11+ the next day. Whilst The Sensory Seeker started thinking about nouns and verbs from given subjects (eg all the nouns he could think of to do with Birthdays, and Space). Later we did some reading and the 10 year old made me a birthday cake. We played some board games – and that was just the morning! In the afternoon we went to Forest School where we ate the dandelion jam we made the previous week and The Sensory Seeker used a knife to whittle some sticks and chopped wood for the fire. In the evening our eldest son came home from University as a surprise for my birthday.
Friday was my 40th and so we all went to McDonalds for breakfast before taking the teen to school. The boys generally enjoyed playing games whilst I got on with packing. In the evening I had a party which the boys came to and had dinner. The following day we travelled down to Dover and stayed overnight at a B&B. Sunday we took the Ferry over to Calais and drove to Brussels. We enjoyed waffles and visited some local famous attractions before getting some much needed sleep.
Lovely birthday photo of you! Sorry people have been like that towards the boys when they’re not in school. Can’t believe people think it’s any of their business.
Wow! Sounds like a very busy week of fun and learning. Happy Birthday.
Belated Happy Birthday, you look beautiful in your birthday pic. I’m going to have to stop by more often to see how you are getting on. I’ve just taken my 7 year old out of school and I’m home educating him until a better place comes up. It sounds like you have all been very busy, I hope you enjoyed your trip.
That local market looks lovely with some great looking produce. I can’t believe people look at the children as if to question why they are not in school, mine come out of school for dentist appointments etc and I’ve never noticed it, but perhaps I’m just not observant. forest school sounds amazing, dandelion jam sounds interesting and stick whittling is something my boys can spend hours on! Hope you enjoyed a lovely week away and Happy 40th!
Love the birthday shot. The CSI session sounds like great fun #Countrykids
I love the sound of the CSI session. What fun! It sounds like you crammed so much into one week….
Happy birthday to you! You look fabulous!
What a very busy birthday week! The CSI sounds very innovative – how great that one of the parents put that together. Have a great holiday. #CountryKids
Lovely photo of you Joy. We used to run a CSI thing at one of my previous schools – I was usually the murder victim!
Love the birthday photo – happy belated birthday to you! The CSI session sounds like it was a lot of fun and I’m intrigued by making dandelion jam at Forest School. I’ve tried making dandelion tea before and dandelion biscuits are on my mental to-do list but I’m tempted to now find out more about how to make dandelion jam too! Hope you are having a lovely holiday
Sounds like your children are learning a lot. Hope you had a great birthday