Why you should be careful

Which letter you are learning? This week it is the turn of I or i and I planned to learn about insects, to go outside and look under rocks, and bits of wood etc. Instead we ended up with an injury He fell off such a small wall and ended up with a dinner fork … Read more

Kat’s Pasta Dish

This is called Kat’s Pasta as opposed to Bacon and tomato, or Chicken and Bacon Pasta because the recipe was given to me by my friend Kat – who is an excellent cook and this (to me anyway) is her signature dish. She was drunk one night and I got her to write it down … Read more

Is it Time we thought differently about Breastfeeding?

Contrary to popular belief but women don’t continue to breastfeed in order to avoid having sex. In fact you may be surprised to know that people are breastfeeding whilst pregnant!?! I know how does that happen when breastfeeding helps provide a natural contraception and women are apparently avoiding sex!! So then I heard about this … Read more

Letter Learning H

H comes at a good time as we are buying a HOUSE and had a Happy Birthday party!! If F was for Fun then H is definitely for HAPPY (and house and heart) So we made Happy hs – with hearts (as a smile) And of course h is for hugs And hand and hello … Read more

Party Time

So our little boy turned 3 last month. He doesn’t say a lot but one day he uttered the words “Party!” Unfortunately it was too late in the day to get the hall for his birthday and the absolute only time it wasn’t booked up was the Saturday of the Bank Holiday weekend. All he … Read more

#366 Happy, Home, Heart, Hiding

This week has been a bit manic as we planned a birthday party and thought about buying a house. But still a bit of time for hide and seek. Click on the badge above to visit the linky list with everyone else taking part too.

Easy Clean Indoor Messy Play

I had an idea to make “Ghosts” with shaving foam and was delighted to discover it was only 27p a can! But then I saw this fab idea at Mutiple Mummy which involved mixing in some food colouring – brilliant! Then I saw this Rainy day Link up which had about a car wash – … Read more

#366 Photos – Spooky

This has got to be my favourite this week. I’m really impressed how the Ghost Handprint turned out. If you click on the picture you can find out more about how we learnt about the letter G this week. For the rest of this weeks pictures click here and the rest of the months here. … Read more

£9.50 Sun Holiday Hoburne Torbay

Earlier this month we visited Hoburne Torbay as our £9.50 Sun Holiday. We had wanted to go in the first part of the Easter Holidays so this Monday-Friday break meant we actually left on Good Friday. The reason we decided on this location was to visit Splashdown @ Quaywest – which is an AMAZING waterpark – … Read more