Home Education Socialising

home educated children at the park

I think the big concern a lot of people have is with worrying about the social side. My son tells me that in school they aren’t really allowed to talk apart from at break, and then they tend to run around playing something like tag, so they do not really talk to each other. As … Read more

Education Quizzes Review

eleven plus maths quiz

About Education Quizzes Family business Education Quizzes aim to promote family time and quizzing together. As an addition they also help boost academic success too. Their primary objective being to help children be successful by making the school curriculum easy and enjoyable. Quizzes are written by teachers and cover KS1, KS2, 11-Plus, KS3 and GCSE … Read more

Help for SATs – SKIPs CrossWord and CrossMaths Books #Review


The holidays can feel like a lifetime off from learning for some. With lots of tests, such as SATs, on the horizon, then some children may like to top their knowledge up or practice out of school. This may be to help reduce anxiety/settle their nerves or just for fun. SKIPs produce a range of … Read more

Real life Maths – Counting Money

real life maths with money

One of the ways to engage someone in a subject like maths is to show how it can benefit them and their life. I love maths because it is one of the things I did at school that being good at helped. I guess it’s easy for me to say as I come from a … Read more

Mathletics #Review

maths @pinkoddy

Whilst you don’t want to believe that all kids with Aspergers are geniuses at Maths mine isn’t going to be one to break the rule. He started by being in higher Maths sets with the older year groups in juniors, was one of 2 children to be picked to represent his grammar school in the … Read more

M is for Maths

So our letter learning journey has taken us up to the letter M. I think this letter really covers my son’s favourite things which are Maths and Music. He is always keen to talk about maths – even going in and out of the house he talks about who came first, second, third and so … Read more