Danny Chaucer’s Flying Saucer Christopher Peter

Danny Chaucer#s flying saucer

The school summer holidays are here and it would be easy to let my boys have lots of late nights and let them play computer games continuously. Trouble with that is it wouldn’t be very good for their health and they would just start arguing anyway. They are not great with self-regulating their computer/sleep time … Read more

Bolts and Blip: Battle of the Lunar League DVD

Bolts and Blip: Battle of the Lunar League

Bolts and Blip: Battle of the Lunar League The story follows best friends Bolts and Blip who are Civi-Bots (the ones who are uncool and not very good at sport). In the year 2080 the moon is endanger as evil Dr.Blood devised a plan to create The Blood Bots to infiltrate The Lunar League (a … Read more

How do Astronauts Eat in Space?

Ks1 learning about space

It is an amazing feeling when children come out of school so enthusiastic to share what they have learnt. This is even more the case when that child has trouble expressing themselves or communicating in general. This term has been one of those times as The Sensory Seeker kept coming home telling me all about … Read more