No Excuses #MotivationalMonday

No excuses

Excuses are possibly the biggest reason people fail to achieve what they set out to do. Already I am seeing the excuses I could come up with when using my Motivational Jar. I guess I could put them in my reflection jar but currently I am able to fight off the excuses so have not had to resort to it. I think it is important to focus on what the Goal is – and why? What is my Motivation? Why do I want to achieve this? And to remember that it is essentially all down to me. It is no good blaming someone else (saying go on you know that going to McDonalds once will not  hurt) – because it is not them it will effect. You have to be the one with the strong will, be determined. Then if you overcome the excuses not only will you be more likely to achieve what you set out to do, but you will also feel better about yourself.

no excuses

For example, day 2 I pulled out the goal of taking the boys outside – but we had done this the day before (as I am still doing things as well as the goals from the jar). We had already arranged to meet someone (at an indoors location too). Then I stopped myself and thought – this is just an excuse. So what we did is we walked to the meeting place (and back). You see it didn’t have to be some great adventure, just outdoors.

no excuses

I guess it goes back to the “there’s no such word as can’t”.

I am not doing too badly with my small goals, and am definitely drinking more water (I keep reminding myself of the fact that it should only take 30 days to make it a habit!)


It is quite hard though with all the small challenges, even this early on. I think because I did not expect it to be any effort, and it is. When my husband suggested takeaway I managed to quickly just do soup and toast instead. Not my ideal food, but adjusting my ideals to make sure I did not go too far (takeout). I just need to be aware that I do not adjust my goals so much that it is just an excuse.

REMEMBER DON’T let others be your EXCUSE – only you can change things!

no excuses
Pate on crackers. Making sure I eliminate the excuses but having things available, such as quick food ideas.

Hopefully the children going back to school will allow for better planning and less excuses.

no excuses
Making time for friends

How are you doing with the New Year so far?

Motivational Monday


Link up anything Motivational or Inspirational or that you want Motivation or Inspiration for  can be to do with resolutions, goals  crafts, days out, photos, achievements, favourite things – anything. No time to write a post? Then please do link up something in your facebook or a picture you’ve instagrammed – follow me on instagram here I shall be hashtagging my goals that I achieve as #MotivationalMonday

You can also find my MotivationalMonday support on Pinterest and Google+

Thank you for all those who supported the linky last year and welcome any newcomers.

35 thoughts on “No Excuses #MotivationalMonday”

  1. I love the idea of a motivational jar. I am feeling quite motivated so far this year, I am on an exercise and health kick. But how long it lasts for I do not know. 😉

  2. It’s amazing how inventive we can be with excuses but, as you say, we can be just as imaginative in other ways should we choose to put our minds to something else instead! Good luck Joy. Am starting a regime of much less procrastinating myself so will enjoy the extra (give and take, hopefully) motivation always found here! X

  3. I love this idea. Would be just the kick up the bum that I need sometimes. I’m really determined to make this a great year though x

  4. What a great link up! I’m sharing what could be a motivational post to venture outside of your comfort zone. Hope it inspires!

  5. I’m with you on the eating thing, but it’s in the day time especially that I struggle with. I’ve got quite good and make meals every evening, but in the week I can’t think of what to eat myself. After I’ve sorted out my son I just end up picking on food. I need to get better at eating well for me too. As I said before, I love the motivational jar idea too-and your small achievable steps-right up with you there. Good luck, you can do it 🙂

  6. My own motivational jar includes detox of all that Chrimbo sugar, dry January, re-cutting out the caffeine and shifting the regained inches by not using this god forsaken rain as an excuse for not getting out and running.

  7. Totally agree – I am awful! But this morning I went for a run and wrote a blog post and generally pulled my finger out of my arse for the first time this year! I am starting as I mean to go on 🙂 x

  8. Ooh I am a terrible one for excuses, and when I run out if excuses I opt for displacement activity…. I need to give myself a boot up the backside!

  9. You’re doing great, I have no will-power and am always making excuses for promises I’ve made to myself – frustrating! x

  10. What a wonderfully inspiring post Joy – motivational in fact (see what I did there). You’re doing very well with your year already but the sounds of things! I must link up with your motivational Monday – just need to work out what kind of post fits so I can join in. It’s a fabulous Linky 🙂

  11. Well done for keeping up with it all. I am trying to drink more water too, not succeeded every day yet, but there’s still hope.
    Very motivational x

  12. This is so true – coming up with excuses is easy. I’m desperately trying to take the children outside everyday, but have been using the weather as an excuse not to. Today I forced us all to go for a little walk after we popped round the corner to the post office. I’m so glad we did as the children enjoyed it and it really helped me clear my head and as a result I felt better for the rest of the day – and amazingly we missed the rain too!

  13. Still love that motivational Jar idea. I’ve not set myself any goals yet – I bet I’ll get round to it by May 😉

  14. This is such helpful advice! Little decisions add up to big changes and goals met! Just taking the kids for a short walk on the way to somewhere else is a great example of how easy it can be to meet our goals! I am one who uses others as excuses to not meet my goals! Thanks for this eye opening post!

  15. you are so right – i can make up all the excuse i like but that’s the thing I am making them, no one else is. so many valid and great pointers here and i was agreeing with you all the way xx

  16. I have linked up my beginning of January motivational post for myself. I am planning to not only cut out alcohol for January but try to drink more water, like you. I think it’s good for skin and over all health. Not going too great so far!


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