Today we made Chicks from TRH (Toilet Roll Holders) as it is the run up to Easter.
First we painted a toilet roll holder yellow, cut it in half and glued on a pipe cleaner as a beak
Glue on the all important googley eyes
Then some feathers
Being careful that you do not knock the eyes and beak off
Then take another pipe cleaner and bend it to make some feet
and sellotape them on (you could glue but this was done with my 9, 5 and 3 year olds)
Viola and there you have a chick
See my other Toilet Roll Holder Craft
Beautiful chicks! My craft isn’t up to much but I am hoping for some real chicks for Easter Day
Aww fingers crossed.
Oh the things you can make with a loo roll if you have a patient mother! Can I send my kids over to you for a fix?
I love these, fab idea hun.x
These are fab honey