Gromit Unleashed is a 10 week (1st July-8th Sept) long public art trail, of 5 foot high sculptures of Gromit. Aardman Animations have teamed up with local communities and businesses to help raise money for the Wallace and Gromit Grand Appeal, the charity for Bristol Children’s hospital. The appeal is raising 3.5 million to help support it to expand to incorporate burns, neurosurgery, neuroscience and major trauma, plus to provide pioneering, life-saving equipment, family accommodation and arts enhancements.
They have been designed and created by local artists and famous names such as Joanna Lumley OBE, Sir Quentin Blake, Harry Hill and Cath Kidston MBE to name but a few. There are 81 Gromits – with 80 listed and a surprise find at the Mall, Cribbs Causeway. They are spread throughout Bristol and further afield such as in Cheddar Gorge, with the original being found at London’s Paddington Station. Getting about couldn’t be easier with a family bus pass (up to 5 people) being able to hop on and off all day for only £8.
Apart from being a fab day out, this was a real chance to take the children to Bristol. This is where I met my husband, we got married, and our second son was born. He was only 1 when we moved to Wales so will not remember it. We had meant to go back to visit Bristol as part of our 10th Wedding Anniversary celebrations, but my husband got ill. The Gromits not only made this visit more interesting (and definitely more active as we did a LOT of walking), it gave us our first taste of geocaching (using the Global Positioning System, GPS – to find items hidden by someone else who has left the coordinates). I’ve been keen to do this, particularly as it is one of items on the National Trust’s 50 things list. This is through the Gromit Unleashed Detect –o- Grommit app for 69p, with 40p of that going straight to the charity. The app also has many other features such as an interactive map. If you’re not keen on all this new technology, never fear, you collect a paper version from any of the official passport stops – where you can also pick up a passport and get it stamped.
There are different trails including the Heritage Discovery Trail, the Harbourside Trail and the Central Stroll. The map has the approximate distance and duration of the trails. We visited on a Sunday and found free on-street parking, but there are plenty of multi-storey carparks around. At the Mall, Cribbs Causeway there is also a Gromit train to ride and an exhibition – as well as being one of the places to get a stamp in your passport. They are clearly marked whether they are indoors or not, and it is advised to check the opening times. We did find, however, that one of the dogs was taken inside when it was marked as outside. This is probably largely to do with the fact that some of the dogs have been vandalised – which has made it a real shame as it meant we never had a chance to see them all. They are going to all be auctioned off on the 3rd October 2013 at the Gromit Unleashed Pavillion at The Mall, Cribbs Causeway – to the highest bidders.
Each one was so fantastic, and so different. It was great studying all the details that made each unique.
There are ways to help contribute to the Appeal – buckets by the Gromit’s, Gromit Souvenirs, and over merchandise – available at passports stops and online at There are teddies, bags, bands, keyrings, t-shirts – go have a good look round.
The Apperley Quarter Marathon has also chosen this as their charity this year and will take place at 11am on the 7th September – to find out more visit
We found (in alphabetically order)
A Close Shave – Harry Hill
Blossom – Emily Ketteringham
Butterfly – Hayes Parsons
Canis Major – Katy Christianson
Carosello – Giuliano Carapia
Collarfull – Hannah Cumming
Doodles – Simon Tofield
Eldoradog – Seb Burnett
Feathers – Dave Bain
Fish Tales – Jeremy Wade
Five a Day Dog – Laura Cramer
Gizmo – Sir Quentin Blake
Gnashional Gromit – The Beano
Gromit Lightyear -Pixar
Gromit-O-Matic – Donough O’Malley
Gromitasaurus -Huncan Daskell
Groscar – Chris Taylor
Grosmos – Cheba
Harmony – Marie Simpson
Hero -Tom Deams
It’s Kraken Gromit! – Filthy Luker
Jack – Martin Band
Lancelot – Sir Paul Smith
Lodekka – IGNITION DG Ltd
Malago – Dan Collings at Thirty Three
Poetry in Motion – Joanne Lumley OBE
Poochadelic – Lisa Hassell
Roger – Richard Williams
Salty Sea Dog -Peter Lord CBE
Steam Dog – Dan Shearn at Red Central
The Grommalo – Axel Scheffler
The King – Stephen McKay
The Snow Gromit – Raymond Briggs
The Wild West – Amy Timms
Two Eds are Better than One – Peter Brookes
Where’s Wallace? – Martin Handford
It was interesting to see what was the same and what was different, from all those years ago, – like Quakers Friar where we got married. We even took the children to Fishponds, where we first met. We had such a great time that we stayed right until the sun went down – in fact our youngest fell asleep and missed the last few. Bit gutted that the battery died on the phone, and the internet signal wasn’t always very good, which resulted in a few not being recorded – including the Gromit of the day. By the time we picked up signal it said we were too far away to count
My favourite was the one in the children’s library – The Grommalo – with its Gruffalo pictures – which always reminds me of the lovely Jenny over on MummyMishaps.
Whether you’ve seen them in real life, or pictures on the net – which is your favourite?
You can send your photos to or tweet @BristolPost with the hashtag #GromitUnleashed – photos will appear daily on the Bristol Post Website
Thank you to Sarah for first alerting me to Gromit Unleased; Emma for a fantastic blog post that ensured that I knew it wasn’t too late to go Gromit Hunting, and Nikki for really stoking my enthusiasm to go.
This is not a sponsored post – I was really appreciative of what has been put on for FREE and figure it is the least I can do to help the charity by blogging about it (as well as the donations we made, and things we bought in the shop).
Great post, glad you had fun. We went four times in the end! If you disable your GPS on your phone, you can check off the ones you visited when your battery died. Thankyou for linking to me.
Oh thank you for that – and you are very welcome
oh i so want to do this but we only have until sunday eeeeek i am going to ask Jon right now if we can get up to Bristol this weekend. i just think its such a great exhibition and i did not realsie that it was to help raise funds for the hospital too. as you say the bus hopping would make it fun and even though the boys have no idea who Grommit is i dont think it matters. thank you for linking up and fingers crossed we will do this x x
The exhibition at Cribbs sounds great – am trying to convince dh to go tomorrow. Hope you get to come up.
They are absolutely awesome – I wish I was closer, I’d love to do this hunt and find all of them if I could! I hope they go on tour and come up North!
They are being auctioned off I’m afraid.
You managed to see a good number in one day. We’ve grabbed half days to add to our tally and are just waiting for the London one to come back. You must have seen a lot of changes in Bristol since you were last there. They are putting all the Gromits on display together in the RWA – week after next, I think. It has been a very positive art exhibition for Bristol and I hope the charity have found it worthwhile. I’m drinking coffee from my Gromit mug at the moment!
It is fantastic isn’t it. Guy at dh’s work said they do something similar every year.
I love Gromit and am so tempted to drive to Bristol to join in. I wish I could have one for my garden he would look so cool peeping out of my flower boarders!
Aw – I love the It’s Kraken Gromit! I wish I could see them all – they are fantastic – great photos
This is a fab post and it’s great that you’ve included so much about the charity too. You saw a fair few that we didn’t, but I guess we saw some that you didn’t see too. It’s hard to decide on a favourite – I had so many. I loved the simplicity of Jack and I thought Bunty was very sweet, but there were plenty of others too which could have qualified as favourites. And thanks very much for the mention!
Is that it for you now? Dh doesn’t want to go back but I really want to see what’s at the Mall.
OMG Joy i would LOVE to see this, i think my fave is Gromit Lightyear!
We did take a special trip to see that one.
I wondered why these Gromits keeped appearing! Wow, how amazing are they?! I love the Gromit Lightyear and as I was scrolling through your pictures I was thinking, a grommalo would be good and there he was!
What a great idea and a fabulous cause! I’m loving all of those Gromits!
What a wonderfully fun way for everyone to see the city and get some exercise! I do love Wallace and Grommit.
Thanks for sharing these, and the background story too…I’ve seen a few on recent Silent Sunday blogs and thought they were fab. The nearest similar thing to me was in Newmarket where they had painted horses on a trail around the town, nowhere near as many as these though! My favourite is the butterfly Gromit I think
This looks such a lot of fun nod so many brilliant Gromits to see! Sad we missed out on this and .i really want to try geochaching sometime soon.
Ah, I love Bristol. We half heartedly did the trail and found the grand total of 7!!
Oh my, Elvis Grommit is awesome! Some brilliant pics there – I love these art trails. They really engage the children.
The Gromit Unleashed trail is such a fun and fantastic idea to raise funds for the appeal, it will be interesting to see just how much is raised at the auction. Bristol sounds like a place that’s very close to your heart and how lovely that you can now share it with your children.
The Gromits are great! Everyone in Bristol has been buzzing about them all summer and its a brilliant cause too! Last weekend now though
will be sad to see them leave! My friend and I have made a kids video all about counting the Gromits around Bristol,
Hope you like it!
wow they look amazing xx
Yay, your blog is fixed! This sounds like a really fun thing to do, and it’s all for a great cause too.
What a wonderful idea – it looks like you had an amazing time
What a shame we won’t get the opportunity now to see all those Gromits – funnily enough we watching Wallace and Gromit earlier! Thanks for linking to PoCoLo x
Love the Beano one!
You have been busy!! I love love love the doodle Gromit
Great post… x
This was the sweetest thing I’ve seen in a long time! I was in Bristol during Gromit Unleased and it was so fun seeing all the kids get so excited when they spotted one, even me to tell you the truth.