Motivation and Reflection Jars

Let’s face it even with the best intentions we are lucky if our New Years Resolutions make it out of January. I think the key is to make your goals realistic, small and as achievable as possible. If there is a goal that you have been trying to do for a few years, then you really ought to consider what your motivation is to accomplish it, and reflect on the reasons that you are not able to achieve sticking to it.

Motivation and reflection jars

With this in mind I came up with the Motivation and Reflection jars. In one jar, on small folded bits of paper, I have written small things that I would like to do this year. Goals I feel that aren’t particularly big, and things I should be doing anyway. Normally I wouldn’t even consider most of them as resolutions as I just should be doing them, not trying to. With this comes such a sense of failure too, which then makes me feel bad. Some really are so easily achievable, things such as drink a glass of water, eat some fruit, make sure I have lunch, go for a walk, spend 15 minutes quality time with each of my children. Once I have completed the task I can put the paper back in the jar (or leave it out if the same ones keep reoccurring), the more I pull out and achieve a goal the better. I shall also have a reward chart which I will write down what I have achieved. But if, for any reason, I am unable to do something (no fruit in the house, no time for lunch), I shall add this reason to the reflection jar.

I am not putting any expectations on how often I will review this yet (could be weekly, monthly or at the end of the year when I’m asking myself why I failed at my New Years Resolutions  for the year). See the thing is I don’t want there to be any pressure, to feel that I “have” to do something – as I think this is a part of the problem. I’m going to add some Motivational quotes to help me going and some things that I already do (which will help me feel good), and because it might not hurt to do them even more. I haven’t decided how often I will dip into the jar either – if I start small and take one daily I can then either increase the task  (eg drink one glass of water or drink only water all day) or take more out.

I have decided to use my cookie jar, as it is a good way to cut back on cookies, and there’s plenty of room. An old jam jar or other such tubs would work just as well. If you wish you could even decorate your jar (or storage device) in a way that helps you focus on your motivation (perhaps let the children decorate it, if they are the reason you wish to achieve some of these things).

Motivation and Reflection jars

As I go through the year there is nothing stopping me from adding to the list. I shall also take something  permanently out the jar I keep being unable to do it  (I shall add this and the reason to my reflection jar). There’s no point in keep trying to obtain the unobtainable as it will just make me feel worse. If I take out something I cannot do, then I can always reselect another, until I find something that I can do. But again, each time in the reflection jar will go the excuse reason. To avoid excuses for not putting something in the reflection jar I have the paper all ready to fill in.

What goes into a jar will be down to the individual. For me I decided to categorise my goals into: my blog, myself  (including my health), my children, my husband, and my family as a whole. I then broke that down into smaller parts, e.g. for blog do my accounts, work through my e-mails, sort photos, reply to comments, write a blog post; Myself – read a book, go for a walk, think about the positive things I have done today, see a friend, get my hair cut, have a facial; My children – plan a trip, do some craft, messy play, 15 minutes quality time; My husband, really listen to him, make him a special meal, offer him a massage; and Health, eat fruit, drink water, go for a walk, meal plan, swim.

Motivational Monday

I am loving instagram too shall be hashtagging any achievements #MotivationalMonday – so sorry if I bore you with lots of glasses of water, but if I do it will mean that I am doing well. I’d love for you to join in (with or without the jars). Thank you for all your support last year with the linky and it will indeed be back with a linky on the first Monday in January 6th (when the children are back to school). It doesn’t matter when you start this because it is about making very small steps to help make lifestyle choice changes. Of course if you do want to make big changes (diet, exercise, etc) then the linky is still available to support you. This is also gives you a bit of time to actually achieve and blog about what you have done so far too.

You can also find my MotivationalMonday support on Pinterest and Google+

My husband is supporting me and also making a jar – I’d love for you to join in too. Obviously you need to tailor your jar to what you’d  like to achieve.

 When asking around about what people would like to change the answers were:

  • Drop a couple of dress sizes
  • Find a new job
  • Find more of a blogging balance
  • Pass their driving test
  • Blog to a higher standard
  • Have their blog nominated for an award
  • Get a greyhound
  • Get fit
  • Have earlier nights
  • Focus on what works
  • Be more organised
  • Better health
  • Think about themselves more
  • More of the same

Many thanks to the following bloggers for their responses (in no particular order):

Emma, Rachel, Alice, Sarah, Maggy and Helen

This is not a sponsored post

30 thoughts on “Motivation and Reflection Jars”

  1. Wow Oddy, that was an awesome blog post. This is an excellent idea for depression sufferers too. Its the baby steps thst matter the most and baby steps are what works best. Aiming too high often results in failure.
    My aims are 1. Procrastinate less, 2. Take more photos and 3. Learn to relax

  2. I love the idea of motivating yourself via the jar, it’s a great time to think about changes and life improvements for next year x

  3. Such a great idea – one of my mottos is that it’s ‘the little things that matter’ – and they all add up to the big things! So good luck with it all, may 2014 be a happy and healthy one for you x

  4. this is something I should probably do! My main goals for the new year are losing weight and declutter the house, oh and pass my driving test too. really do hope i can succeed in them all! good luck to everyone with all your aims for the new year

  5. That actually sounds like a really effective way of motivating yourself, and infinitely more effective that the lists that I am always losing track of. I like your visual too to plant the seed. Really interested to hear how it’s working for you.

  6. I’m not normally one for New Year’s resolutions but I like this idea, especially the categories. Might think about the blogging ones.

  7. I love the idea but I know for me it wouldn’t work as I wouldn’t open the jar – it would get lost, moved or hidden under a pile of washing waiting to be put away – maybe if I get more organised this year I will try it next year – Happy new year!

  8. It’s such a great idea and I like the fact that there’s no pressure either. I’m with you, aim for things that are easily achieved otherwise you set yourself up for failure and disappointment.

  9. Fab idea! Good luxk with your goals – I’m going dry for January and trying to swear less… Oh who am I fucking kidding *downs gin* 😉 lol xx

  10. what a simple yet very effective idea! it is so much better to focus on ther little things then set our goals too high as the chance of failing is higher. i am sure you will suceed and i wish you lots of luck and positivity!!
    i must do this myself, i will pin this x x

  11. I have to say that there is nothing worse than putting pressure on yourself with resolutions – this is a great idea! Much less pressure with little goals to aim for 🙂 I’ll keep an eye out for your glasses of water! Thanks so much for linking and supporting PoCoLo. I’ve linked up my January Blues post by Cat Williams for Motivational Monday x


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