CONKERS – Family Day Out Review

outdoor conkersCONKERS is an award-winning unique mix of indoor and outdoor experiences across 120 acres in the heart of The National Forest in the Midlands. A mix of woodlands, lakes, ponds, play areas, 18-stage assault course challenge, over 100 indoor interactive exhibits, indoor and outdoor play areas, a barefoot walk, a train and much, much, more.

conkersThere was so much to do that when we left there was still so much we had missed. I had taken my oldest son (aged 18) as I knew it would be one of our last times as a family to go off before he leaves for University. I thought he would really like the assault course and Rolls Royce Maze – but we were simply too tired. The youngest is asking all the time to go back and so I think we will return once the New High and Low Ropes Adventure course is open in July. We will also make sure we have booked some of the activities (such as Kata Canoeing, Kayaking, Bell Boating, etc).
toasting marshmallows conkersMy boys have somewhat of an addiction with technology, and as they are restricted with their usage in the week they are keen to get their weekend fix. However, getting out with nature is the one time when they really do not seem to miss their games. There was a bit of arguing during orienteering, and they could do with working on their team work skills when building a shelter and making a fire – but it was done. And it was surprising how cooperative they were when it came to making smores (marshmallow and chocolate biscuits). They even went as far as being confident enough to ask strangers (other bloggers) if they could use their fires to toast their marshmallows (thank you to everyone who did that). It was also good to hear what they had learnt (and remembered) when not with us. And I felt empowered as I pulled the bark off the twigs to get to the dry bit inside.

smores conkers

CONKERS is really educational – emphasizing issues important to me, like the importance of recycling, and about energy. The play areas (indoors and out) were amazing. I was really pleased to see that there was accessibility to those with disabilities too. I think the wet weather made the whole experience better personally. There’s nothing quite like seeing nature in all its glory and getting dirty. I never packed as so much as a wipe and the boys embraced being allowed to wipe their mucky hands all over their clothes, and eating with slightly mucky hands.

The Barefoot challenge was fantastic and you can find out more information about CONKERS on the video too. I have to say that this was a very sensory experience and possibly a bit too much for The Sensory Seeker (and the reason we did not stay until closing).

conkers family time

CONKERS is part of the Stay Play Explore Breaks – where a family of 4 can stay overnight and visit 3 attractions or adventure activities for £129 – including breakfast!

Prices are from £7.23 (children and concessions), with a family ticket (2 adults & 2 children) £32.95.  Then there is the opportunity to have the full admission price refunded when purchasing an annual pass (£62.95 for a family annual pass).

For more photos of the day visit my Facebook Page CONKERS Album

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


I received free entry into CONKERS for my family of 6. We took part in the BUSH CRAFT activity which is FREE of charge but requires booking. We were also taken around the Barefoot walk and provided with lunch. No other financial compensation has been awarded. All words and opinions are honest and my own.


29 thoughts on “CONKERS – Family Day Out Review”

  1. It was a really great day wasn’t it! Lovely to meet you, My daughter thought your oldest son was Stampy who does all the Minecraft videos and was a bit star struck lol even when I told her it wasn’t him she was convinced it was 😉

  2. Oh I love Conkers and would have loved to have come this weekend but we couldn’t manage it. We went a few years ago when the children were smaller and we loved it. Thank you for the reminder though as I am going to definitely add it to the list for this summer and the Stay, Play Explore breaks are such amazing value.

  3. What a fantastic looking place! How have I never heard of it before? My kids would absolutely love this kind of thing. I’m off to look at their overnight breaks.

    I did a barefoot walk last year at a National Trust property down in Cornwall and I have to admit that it was one of the best experiences ever. I really enjoyed it and it’s made me look at where I walk outside differently ever since.

  4. Wowzers, I have never heard of Conkers before… its sounds totally Bonkers! You and family seem to of had a great time, I like hearing there was so much to do and not enough time, means you can not bored. I love the idea of playing in natural surroundings. My sons love tech and even thou I do encourage tech toys, I also love getting them filthy in the outside world and exploring. Excellent post Joy, thank you for sharing x

  5. My family would love to visit CONKERS! Such a great name. I love smores too.
    Sounds like you made lots of great memories x

  6. This looks like a really interesting experience. Am pinning for inspiration, as I would really like to visit.

  7. How very Country Kids is this! An awesome sounding place with so much for kids of any age by the sounds of it. I love all the outdoor fun and sounds like plenty of inspiration for Coombe Mill here too, I’ve already got the bare foot walk in my sites for later this year. Thank you for sharing your wonderful day on Country Kids.

  8. This looks like just my thing – I saw some of it on Instagram too – loving how dirty and involved everyone got 🙂

  9. We’ve loved going before and hope to go soon. We did do the barefoot walk, but I think it was me that found it a bit much – I think my feet are too soft.

  10. Absolutely love this, what a brilliant day. So glad you had a good time. We’d love it, just wish it were a little bit closer! See you at the weekend hopefully xxx

  11. This sounds like a lovely place to visit with kids. My mil lives in midlands next time we visit we will try and book to go to this park.


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