Wouldn’t it be great to live in a nice house Kensington London for cheap or even for free? Well I am sure it really is possible with a few small and simple steps. I mean judging from the e-mails I receive it definitely seems possible! Here I am going to share with you their techniques so that we can all benefit from the methods they use to live exactly where we like. I am sure they could be used for many other perks too!

Looking for the Perfect House in Kensington London
First of all you need to do your research as I am sure that not ALL owners of houses in Kensington London will be appreciative of your technique. Step one is to flatter the vendor on your approach. Tell them how much you appreciate just how good a property it is. You could even go as far as letting them know that you realise that they may have worked very hard in order to own such a place.
Wanting to Rent a House in Kensington London for Cheap or Even Free
You may only be wishing to rent in Kensington – and besides they may not even want to sell. First you need to ask them how much their rates are. If you have lots of friends that can do this at the same time that would really help too. Especially helpful is if you have friends with the same name. Or who do not remember their name. Invest in them! You want them to know you are serious. Use their time – then you are more likely to be remembered.

Once you have established that you cannot rent the whole property on their terms see if you can come to a compromise. Start with offering them really, really low. Then go up in tiny increments – but remember to keep it low. Less than a meal out up North!
Ask if you could stay for FREE for a few months – but that you have friends who would pay NEXT TIME. Explain that you are struggling right now and it would really help you out. Maybe you could just have a room – that it could be your secret! If you do not tell anyone then other rent-paying tenants wouldn’t feel it unfair.
Get a bit Physical for your Free Stay in Kensington London
Of course you could just beat the people up who live in the house so that they let you stay there. It doesn’t really matter that this is illegal or immoral because we all need to put bread on the table right! Besides Rita, Sue and Bob too are doing it – so it is okay!
Squatting in the House in Kensington London
If all else fails you could just become a squatter!!!

About the House in Kensington London
The problem is if you start letting one do it then everyone will want to do the same. Slowly the value of the property will get lower and lower and all that hard work will be for nothing!
If you have come to this post then chances are I have received your e-mail – or someone else is experiencing the same thing. You see the thing is that as a blogger I get lots of e-mails wanting something for nothing. They do not seem to believe that my time is valuable at all. Nor is my blog. Oh they like the value it can help give them hence they would like to “work” with me. Despite working hard to build it up over the years (working around my family) they do not want to pay the going rate. Fortunately this doesn’t apply to everyone – so to offer the amounts these people offer would not be fair to those who treat me with respect. I am pretty sure the people asking aren’t working for free either. And finally the squatters – it is no good dropping your links in my comments as I do moderate them. Oh and it is illegal and immoral not to tell my readers when I have been paid for a post so I will not do it – but especially not for the risk of $20 thanks all the same.
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Note this is not a dig at bloggers who do not charge a lot, or even do not disclose. I understand we all have different circumstances and we just have to live. Doesn’t mean I agree with people asking in the first place though.
This is a great post Joy! You are so right, it is outrageous that people try to get us to work for free when we’ve spent so much time building up a blog and social media presence. Thank you for linking to my posts too!