The Guy Fawkes 5 running race in Tewkesbury was held on Sunday 5th November 2023. Due to flooding a last minute decision was made to change the course to the back-up course but the weather did hold up for the race itself.
About Guy Fawkes 5
Guy Fawkes 5 is a 5 mile race organised by Tewkesbury Running Club.

It is the last race of the AAA Road Race Series (the Amateur Athletic Association). Therefore, it tends to be fast. Dependent on the gun time, not chip, runners are given points which are added up and prizes for the year awarded.
This means that many are keen to get up the front and not be slowed down by anyone in their way. Now this isn’t unpleasant for slower runners, but it does mean that they kind of pull the race to go off quickly.

Prizes are also given for those first in each age category for GF5 – as long as there’s at least two people entered in each.
Needless to say that this isn’t just a race for the quickest runners. Times range from 26:45 to 1:06:12,7 (chip times).
Meeting Place for Guy Fawkes 5
Guy Fawkes 5 meets at Tewkesbury Academy. There’s plenty of parking and people were also advised to use Dobbie’s car park. You go there first to collect your race number (in alphabetical columns based on your surname). Then you walk up to the start and return there afterwards for your medal.

There’s also running kit on sale, free drinks and cakes (for donations) and a lady doing sports massages. Plus you could get your time and position printed out on a piece of paper. Son number 3 also liked how you get to pick which medal you would like.
Plus it is a really good place just to have a catch up with other Gloucestershire runners that usually I just get to see online!
Guy Fawkes 5 Records
The Guy Fawkes 5 Records are held by Paul Martelletti – 24:31for the men, achieved in 2011. Wendy Nicholls – 27:35 in 2008. Also a special mention to Gemma Turtle – 27:36 in 2009. There is no differentiation between each course.

Family Participation
Previously I have run both the normal course and the back-up one which was utilised at the last minute this year. The first time I went so quickly I think I was delirious at the end. It is hard to get into so I was thrilled to get two places.

Unfortunately I felt that I had to pull out of Guy Fawkes 5 this year as my calf still hurt. With being a pacer for Alton Towers 10k ,the following weekend, I thought that the best thing to do was rest it.
Son number 2 has also taken part before but is at university so not living nearby. In fact he most likely wasn’t at university at the time, but instead having fun in a cave!
Son Number 3
This was the first time son number 3 has entered this race. He was recently 16. Actually it was the first time that son number 3 had run a 5 mile race. Possibly only a handful of times that he had even run 5 miles. His longest race previously was 5km. Not that he has taken part in many races. However, parkrun has been quite a staple part of his life.

How He Got On
He had actually been really busy all week as he qualified for his NPLQ, so had been swimming all week and had his assessment the day before. Saying that he did amazingly. The course was pretty flat but just two inclines as you have to go over motorway bridge twice.
One of the other runners we know also warned him not to go too fast at the start. Also luckily I had warned him that the finish was where the start was (there was a chip mat at the bottom of the hill that tricked a few people). Plus that it was an uphill finish – which didn’t seem to faze him. Thanks Stratford Park parkrun for that maybe!

Unfortunately, the person who came first in his age category was crazily fast and therefore our son came a very respectable second. 97 male and 122 overall. His chip time was 37:15,2.
The day afterwards his leg ached but otherwise he was all good.
Very well done to him!
I think I’ll be doing this race next year now I’m in a running club! I know a few people from our club did it and got good age category positions. They did say the out and back course was slightly disappointing compared to the usual one, but at least it could go ahead!