Wow who knew just how incredible Bushy parkrun event 1,000 would be! There was a World record breaking 6,204 finishers and 134 hi-viz heroes. It has taken them from Saturday to Tuesday morning to sort and publish the stats because of it being such a mammoth task.

Here is a quick look at some of the Bushy parkrun event 1,000 stats!
First Finishers for Bushy parkrun Event 1,000
- First finisher was Oliver Jermy 15:26. Well done to him on a new PB. What an event to set it!
- There were unknown finishers in positions 58 and 77 in between. There were a total of 651 unknowns.
- First female finisher was Sophie Fairbanks 17:06.

Highest Age Grade
The highest age grade of 90.13% goes to Miriam Esther JARRETT on her first parkrun! In the VW85-89 category in a time of 35:37.
Oliver Jermy also had the highest male age grade of 88.77%.
67 people got an age grade between 80-90%
An incredible 374 people got an age grade between 70-80%
877 people got an age grade between 60-70%
Sub Finisher Numbers at Bushy parkrun Event 1,000
- 103 people finished sub18!
- A total of 200 people finished sub 19!
- 350 people finished sub 20!
- 2670 finishers were sub30.

Fastest Times By Age at Bushy parkrun Event 1,000
Under 18s
- JM10 – 20:30
- JM11-14 – 17:51
- JM15-17 – 15:26
- JW10 – 26:06
- JW11-14 – 17:49
- JW15-17 – 21:01
- SM18-19 – 16:26
- SM20-24 – 15:41
- SM25-29 – 15:38
- SM30-34 – 15:55
- SW18-19 – 19:50
- SW20-24 – 18:17
- SW25-29 – 17:06
- SW30-34 – 19:05
- VM35-39 – 16:09
- VM40-44 – 17:14
- VM45-49 – 16:32
- VM50-54 – 16:58
- VM55-59 – 18:14
- VM60-64 – 19:11
- VM65-69 – 19:32
- VM70-74 -23:18
- VM75-79 – 25:54
- VM80-84 – 28:21
- VM85-89 – 51:01
- VW35-39 – 19:27
- VW40-44 – 19:18
- VW45-49 – 19:45
- VW50-54 – 20:21
- VW55-59 – 20:41
- VW60-64 – 22:34
- VW65-69 – 23:57
- VW70-74 – 27:21
- VW75-79 – 35:04
- VW80-84 – 56:39
- VW85-89 – 35:37
Other Stats
- 490 PB’s
- 1727 first time visiting Bushy
- 3238 Males
- 2325 Females
- 176 milestones

Interesting Facts from Other parkrun Users Around Bushy Parkrun Event 1,000
When they ran out of finishing tokens they moved on to raffle tickets and marker pen. So many of the results had to be manually added. Although there seems to be some small discrepancies here and then largely the results are all extremely accurate.
Apparently times were adjusted for queuing, and some even say the time keepers walked the queuing line.
People are just glad they got to taken part in such a momentous event!
Bryan Bradwell said, “Bushy event #1000 had 1114 more finishers than this year’s Sheffield Half Marathon and when I’ve run it that race it always feels crowded.”
Roderick Hoffman pointed out that “68 finishers at Bushy #1000 had Athletic Codes lower than “2200.” These codes were allocated around October 2006 to then Bushy runners in alphabetical order (Adam to Tony). So these are Bushy Time Trial runners from the first two years. At the other end of the scale 48 finishers have 8 digit numbers (so from “10000000”). All of these were doing their first parkrun (of 145 in total).”

All data taken from Bushy parkrun website
We went along to the previous week Bushy parkrun 999 event and our son finished in 69th place. This week he would have had a further 200 people in front of him!