Top Tips for Studying as a Parent

mother graduating with two children

You may feel that taking on a time-consuming course as a student to be quite intimidating when you already have children to look after. It can be quite a balancing act to manage to juggle everything, so here is a guest post, that I have had input from my experiences as a student parent at … Read more

Recycling Project for Kids

snowmen made from old socks

The environment is a very important topic in my opinion, especially how humans impact on it and how we can take small steps to make it a better place for the future generations. The boys have grown up in a home with some things already utilised, making it the norm for their futures – such … Read more

Are you Interested in Working with Children?

woman working with child

This is a partnered post. One of the most difficult decisions we have to make early on in our lives is what we want to do in terms of a career. If you are yet to decide what you want to do specifically, yet you know you want to work with children, you have many … Read more

Finance Fundamentals: 10 Things Top Money Managers Swear By

saving pig

Learning how to properly manage your finances is a crucial life skill – but it’s something that most of us simply don’t dedicate enough time to. If you can understand the basic of money management, you’ll quickly find that your life becomes a lot easier and much less stressful. The good news is that these … Read more

How to budget for a big family

Creating a budget is nobody’s idea of fun, but a properly planned out budget can do wonders when it comes to improving your life – especially if you’re doing so for a large family. That said, it certainly has its challenges and can be an expensive task due to the number of people living under … Read more

4 Steps To Design A Healthy Kitchen

4 Steps To Design A Healthy Kitchen

Anyone who has started a diet or tried to re-model their eating habits knows that it’s much easier to eat new things in a new place than trying to change old, hardened routines in the places you developed them. This is why, if you’re serious about making healthy lifestyle changes and keeping them, you might … Read more

Things To Consider When Packing With Kids

Things To Consider When Packing With Kids

You might be planning a holiday trip, going for a short weekend getaway, or even making a permanent move. In any case, you will need to go through the stressful ordeal of packing. Whether you are packing to go on holiday or relocating to a new house, it is a complicated and tiring task. Throw … Read more

Halloween Lanterns RedTedArt #GuestPost #MotivationalMonday

Halloween Lanterns from Jam Jars RedTedArt Guest post on Pinkoddy

As the days draw shorter and wetter, more attention is played to indoor activities. I particularly like having Halloween and Christmas to get the kids excited about. Craft is perfect for keeping them entertained and/or for making those extra special cards and presents. With this in mind, this month the Motivational Monday theme changes along with … Read more