Party Political Manifesto Affects on Education

If you are undecided about the upcoming Election then you may want to consider the impact each of the parties has on education. Schools are suffering from underfunding – meaning they have had to cut school hours, being forced to drop subjects from the curriculum, increase class sizes or cut staff numbers. Buildings are going un-repaired … Read more

All the Information You Need for Your Child’s Education

All the Information You Need for Your Child's Education (and more)

We all want what is best for our children and most importantly that they are happy. Their school years are some of the most important in their life – so it is best that they go somewhere that is fulfilling and rewarding as can be. Choosing the right establishment for that experience to occur is … Read more

Canvas Design – High Quality Bespoke Prints Review & Giveaway

Canvas design review

I was approached by Canvas Design, one of the UK’s leading printers of canvases, who provide high quality, bespoke prints for their customers. They wanted me to review a 18×14 inch Canvas, run a giveaway and offer a discount code to my readers. There is something about a Canvas hanging on the wall that I … Read more

Mathletics #Review

maths @pinkoddy

Whilst you don’t want to believe that all kids with Aspergers are geniuses at Maths mine isn’t going to be one to break the rule. He started by being in higher Maths sets with the older year groups in juniors, was one of 2 children to be picked to represent his grammar school in the … Read more

Special Needs

I first noticed that my son was different from an early age. I was a teenage, single mother – what would I know. When he was assessed I had a lot going on & they blamed my parenting. He was finally diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome at aged 10, after a lot of support from online … Read more

Tea Anyone?

I feel so much agggggh right now that I feel I could actually explode. So I thought right Tea & Sympathy is what I need – and it is Tuesday after all. That and I could show you my Tea Cup pictures I took. My first born has Asperger’s Syndrome. He is very intelligent, and … Read more

The Start of Our Road Trip

white cliffs of Dover

One of the perks of home education is that you can go places when you want not being under the constraints of school times. However, this is not the case with us as we still have a child at school. In fact he is the year before taking his actual GCSE exams and learning the … Read more

Our Fourth Week of Home Education

children under bridge

Bank Holiday Monday This week started a bit differently as there was a Bank Holiday Monday. The morning started a lot more relaxed and breakfast was really late. As soon as I woke up the 10 year old wanted to do the National Geographic kit I had bought home (I suggested he started by reading … Read more

Home Education – Real Life Learning

science group lego robotics

Friday Fun and Reviews Part of the point of Home Education is that the children are equipped with things that will actually help them in their later life within their community, rather than some of that pointless stuff they can learn at school. By this point of our journey more of that had to really … Read more

Danny Chaucer’s Flying Saucer Christopher Peter

Danny Chaucer#s flying saucer

The school summer holidays are here and it would be easy to let my boys have lots of late nights and let them play computer games continuously. Trouble with that is it wouldn’t be very good for their health and they would just start arguing anyway. They are not great with self-regulating their computer/sleep time … Read more