I love spending some quality time with my children. One way to have some quality family fun is to do something crafty. This time we made some Spring Dressing up masks from paper plates. We decided to go with Rabbits and Sheep.
We started by drawing and cutting out the eyes. We didn’t want to create a masterpiece and then not to be able to see through it.
I put some materials on the table, with a loose idea in mind, and let the children led the play.
It was interesting to see what different ways the boys made their masks.
I liked the activity as it helped so much with development (drawing/imagination/learning about materials and so on).
We had new glue spatulas, the boys thought these were wonderful. They learned that if you pull the cotton wool balls apart it goes further.
The boys love mixing paints and discovering what happens to the colours, and how to make the desired colour. We actually went from pink to brown and had a lot of fun adding in black, and orange, and white. They had a brown in mind and weren’t happy until we found it.
We had so much fun making them, the boys especially loved walking through the living room with paint on their feet (to make the rabbit ears. We did brown and pink feet and were going to put the small ones inside the large ones, but it didn’t quite work out that way. It does not matter though as we had a lot of fun doing it.
After we had made our footprints we painted the plates with the leftover brown – to make sure they matched the ears.
We added a Pompom for a nose and some crepe paper for whiskers. We tried straws but they didn’t really stick very well.
Take a look at more Spring Dressing Up Ideas – and thank you to all the bloggers for allowing me to feature them.
TheBoyandMe Easter Bunny Mask
My Little 3 and me – Paper Plate Pig Mask
My Little 3 and me – Frog Mask
My Little 3 and me – Sheep Mask
The Craft Train – Owl and the pussy Cat Masks
The Craft Train –Egg Carton Black Cat
The Craft Train – Rainbow Angel Windows
The Craft Train – Shamrock Crown and Wand
Small for Big – DIY Flower Crown
Pinkoddy Daffodil Easter Bonnets from Papier Mache and Paper Plates
Here Come the Girls – Easter Bonnet
Here Come the Girls – Easter Bonnet for 4 and 5 year olds
RedTedArt Easter Bonnets from Newspaper
ZingZingTree Easter Bonnets from Tissue Paper
Thinly Spread Easter Bonnets for boys and for girls
What a lovely collection of dressing up ideas. I love your use of footprints for ears, so cute!
Thanks for including our masks too.
How lovely and inventive young children can be. I used to love doing things like this with mine…at home or in the classroom.
Thanks for including our mask!
Fabtastic – we are going to have to break out the easter paint kits I bought earlier in the year – an quite possible the paper plates as these masks look like so much fun!
What great ideas – love the footprints as ears! We recently bought a pack of paper plates to use for a homemade weather vane, so I’ll be making good use of them!
Ooooh I LOVE your bunny mask, totally adorable. Thanks for featuring our dress up ideas too
these are brilliant – so much choice and with world book day coming up I can see some ideas! Have a good week, Jo x
i have linked up my rainbow cupcakes so i hope thats ok.
what a fanatastic array of different masks- they all look sooo good! I think paper plates will be going on my shopping list now x
I definitely need to get some paper plates! Love the feet ear idea x
Painting the soles of your feet and walking on them?? *Shudders* You are the coolest mum ever – tell them I said so!
Those masks are just awesome i really love the sheep its BAA RILLIANT
Love your masks, so cheerful and getting me really excited that Spring is on it’s way!!
Some great ideas there too! xx
They came out so cute! Walking through paint and then onto a canvas is an art therapy technique used by the Magic Paintbrush here in the US. It’s usually a group activity. When Bethany was supposed to be doing, it she decided to line up everyone’s shoes in a row instead of getting dirty!
Lots of fab ideas there. I love your sheep mask and the feet rabbit ears a brilliant!
Thanks for sharing #LetKidsBeKids
Love your plate masks – they must have loved playing with all those cotton balls
I need to get on to making plate masks! They look loads of fun
What a great collection of ideas! I must get myself back into my crafting groove
The plate masks look great fun! My toddler would love these, especially the sheep! #LetKidsBeKids
LOVE the angel wings – and the footprint walk
Great post!
brilliant i have plates and will craft!
A great job, I love these compositions, very original!
Making dressing up costumes and masks is SO much more fun than buying them. I love the pig mask but then I love all things piggy – I have pinned it on my Pigs Board
I love the ear foot prints Joy they are super
i so need to get more creative. thanks for hosting x
What a great list and some fab ideas, certainly in need of some inspiration for Easter bonnets, love the daffodil ones.
heehee love the masks!!
You’re a busy, busy bee! This is a great resource.Added this to the Bris Mums Spring carnival.