A is the Start

If you followed our letter learning journey, you will know that I skipped A because our son already knew that letter as it’s the first letter of his name. Well we are about to undergo a new start by buying our first home so what better time to learn about the start of the alphabet (besides my husband said my alphabet display looked wrong without it).


I asked my children to go into our garden and find things beginning with A (this involved an 8 year old as well as the 4 year old), and they said “animals“.






I will let you decide what this cheeky suggestion was!


And apple.

Our son thought that if he collected the seeds from the apple we could just grow an apple tree. I told him that we were already growing an apple tree but that it would take a long time.


I had seen an idea on Pinterest (here)

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So what better way to use the seeds from his apple (and a great way to encourage apple eating)


Simply draw an a onto some paper, and collect some leaves to go with the seeds.


Colouring in is a great skill of control – especially when you only have one arm!


Next attach some leaves – we found that glue didn’t work very well so used sellotape


Then add some glue in the middle (because the seeds grow in the middle of the apple)


And then press the seeds on


And there you have an A for apple.

19 thoughts on “A is the Start”

  1. How could you leave out lovely “a” . The “ahem…. *bottom* photo really reminds me of the sort of thing my kids would do! Thanks for joining in with Country Kids

  2. Cool and clever post :0) I adore outside learning, its fun and usually stress free, and the kids get to see animals and life in motion.

  3. An adorable post! I love your use of pictures to identify items that begin with the letter. Hope the little man is better soon! (both of my kids were in casts last summer – not fun πŸ™ Thanks for sharing at the Weekly Co-op!

  4. Going on an outdoor scavenger hunt is a great way to practice the letter A, and the craft was lovely, too! Thanks for sharing at The Sunday Showcase. πŸ™‚

  5. You always have such great activities for each letter! I really like the apple one πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing at Happy Family Times

  6. He did so well one handed! great ideas as always and love the cheeky suggestion for A – n pun intended! πŸ™‚

    Thanks for sharing on Family Frolics

  7. Great photos — and great learning session. Your son is a trooper managing one handed! Thanks so much for sharing on Busy Monday at A Pinch of Joy. Hope to see you again soon!


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