As you may be aware Road Safety is a subject matter very close to my heart. My big brother was only 6 years old when he knocked over by a car, and subsequently died.
Tomorrow would have been his birthday and so I feel it quite fitting that this week is Road Safety Week November 19th-25th.
Brake works to save lives and support families bereaved in road crashes.
You can help them by making a donation, getting involved, write to your MP, Pledge your support on Facebook, Register to get resources
This year they are promoting Go 20 which is reducing the speed limit to 20 mph in-built up areas.
There are lots of good reasons why – here
Thanks for reading
This is NOT a sponsored post it is a topic very close to my heart.
I’m so sorry to hear about your brother. That must have been (and still be ) so hard for you and your family. xxx
Road safety is so important. My son was runover last year, I’m so grateful he survived.
My kids all joined “Traffic Club” and they are doing lots in school this week for awareness. I offered to go in to help but couldn’t as I have let my enhanced CRB lapse!
Thanks for writing this post.
Thinking of you all at this time.
This is avery important lesson to teach children because it saves lives. Loving your website and thanks for stopping by Keeping my Toddler Entertained. Cheers
Thought I’d already sent this, but hasn’t appeared. Went something like:
Sadness, sadness all around. But lift our eyes from on the ground, raise our gaze towards the sky, remember them with just a sigh.
Oh that is very pretty x
Thank you so much for your comment on my blog about Road Safety Week. As I said in response to your comment, thank you for sharing this and it is very fitting that Road Safety week is this week. Its great to be able to be in contact with another blogger
I had no idea. I am so sorry for your family. I posted this week about learning about road safety and hadn’t realised there was a national campaign. We should find out where we can all post together to raise awareness.
We could probably organise a blog campaign for it. Will pop over and look at your post this evening.
I am sorry to hear about the tragic circumstances of your brothers death. I applaud you for using your story to raise awareness for Road Safety.
It was great to see so many people supporting Road Safety Week this year!
To coincide with Brakes GO 20 campaign we put together some useful advice for both cyclists and motorists which will hopefully help make our roads a safer place to travel.
Sorry to hear for your loss. It is never easy when a close one is lost due to circumstances out of our control. We are very aware of the dangers of the road and are helping out with it. One of our charities of contribution is Brake.