There really is not enough hours in the day. I have been trying really hard to get enough sleep otherwise I feel really rubbish. I have long since given up on listening to all the advice about what I should and shouldn’t be doing with my kids long ago. After all, everyone disagrees with someone somewhere so whatever I chose to do there’s going to be someone else telling me I’m doing it wrong. I have 4 children who are currently at 3 different schools. Luckily the youngest two are at the local school, but the older two are much further away. Yes my choice, but it often means something has to give.
Chips at Lunchtime
I often seem to miss out on lunch. It is something I really need to work on. I often reach out for a packet of crisps. So it was great to be offered some McCain chips as part of food fortnight. They sent me some vouchers and off I went. The obvious choice me was their fries ready in 5 minutes. This meant that I had no excuse that lunch time not to grab a quick bite to eat. I simply coupled them with some mayonnaise.
Chips After School
The older boys and my husband do not arrive home until 5pm, so when we needed to be back at the school (16 miles away) for 6pm it did not leave much time for food. I feel it is really important to eat as a family. To be honest if I had not made something quickly before we went then who knows when we would have eaten, and it would have probably resulted in eating out. Again this was a perfect time to cook the Fries ready in 5 minutes. This time I put some fish fingers under the grill and added some baked beans to add a bit of a healthy option to the dinner. This meal was also one that all the boys ate without complaint, as I really did not have time for fussy eating. I also love the quick cook fries when we go on holiday – it is much cheaper than buying fries on site without taking up too much time out of the holiday.
Chips Appeal
Sometimes it is a struggle with a fussy eater. I want to encourage him to eat a balanced diet without going hungry. With us all being so busy we often struggle with meal planning, or food going off. I like how I can have a meal just tucked away in the freezer. I believe that frozen vegetables are healthier too, as they lock in the goodness. Couple with a chicken and vegetable pie and some chips – again a meal which is appealing to the children. That way I can concentrate on getting them to eat their vegetables. Then there’s the ultimate comfort food dinner – we had sausage, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, baked beans and chips – what’s not to love.
McCain have such a huge variety of potato based products – in all sorts of shapes, sizes – and they even have chips they cook in the microwave.
How often do you have chips? What do you eat them with? What do you cook when you are short on time?
I was sent £15 worth of McCain vouchers to purchase chips. All words and opinions are my own.
My eldest daughter wouldn’t eat a chip until she was about 5 but my youngest daughter loves them. I think if you give chips as part of a balanced diet, especially oven chips like these, then they can make mealtimes much easier for busy mums!
ooh I have some of these couchers to spend too and your making me hungry!
Wow that is quick! Is that in the oven or do you need a deep fat fryer? We do like our chips here, and everything in moderation is good I say (except biscuits, no such thing as moderation for them for me!)
Yes in the oven
When short on time, a bacon butty or cheese on toast goes down a real treat but have to admit that I am a sucker for chips and mayo!
Erin won’t touch chips preferring a meat and veg meal but the other two probably have them weekly. It’s all part of a balanced diet to me.
Both of my littlies are chip lovers. Ready in five minutes? ! Sign me up. My kids also have NO patience. They look nice and skinny too. I love skinny fries.
I love their micro chips. Especially the crinkle cut ones…I’m such a big kid! I’m also wishing it wasn’t so late as I could really fancy egg and chips right now