Super Heroes World Record Event – Oldbury Toys R Us

Super Heroes World Record Event - Oldbury Toys R UsOur little boy has turned 6 years old. What better way for a boy to spend his time that surrounded by the people he loves, doing the things that he loves. So last Saturday we took part in the Super Heroes World Record Event. This meant all 6 of us dressing up as Superheroes, before heading off for a morning of family fun – what more could a young boy want?

Super Heroes World Record Event - Oldbury Toys R UsFirst of all we picked our Super Hero costumes: Our oldest went for The Dark Knight, the next son down went with Superman, so his younger brother had Superman General Zod and the youngest was Batman. I thought that my husband would then be best as Robin to go with our Batmen and I chose 1960s Batgirl (Grand Heritage).

Super Heroes World Record Event - Oldbury Toys R Us

The Super Heroes World Record Event was run in conjunction with Warner Bros. Consumer Products and Toys r Us. The idea was to beat the record for the most amount of people dressed up as Superheroes at one time.

There was face painting, a great big Batman figure, a chance to play with Superhero toys (including LEGO), play LEGO Batman 3 on the Playstation 4, watch your favourite LEGO Superheroes outside on the big screen, print out your #DCWorldRecord photos from Instagram, a chance to win on the spot Superhero prizes, have your photo taken on the Superhero Wall, and be part of making World History. There was also a raffle for those who had preregistered.

Super Heroes World Record Event - Oldbury Toys R UsWe all had a great day, and it was so nice to see my whole family come together and dress up. My husband was even asked to be in a family photo – and I was so proud of him as he got the children to do their Superhero poses. Thank you to my teen who managed to book time off work, as he knew how happy it would make his little brother to be there.

Super Heroes World Record Event - Oldbury Toys R UsThere was not a huge crowd that turned up but everyone was in great spirits, and it meant that we all got to play with what we wanted and with no pushing from people trying to see/get to the front. We would like to thank Warner Bros. Consumer Products and Toys R Us for their invite and products to say thank you for attending.

For more photos check out my Instagram feed and the #DCWorldRecord to see events from around the World.


Super Heroes World Record Event - Oldbury Toys R UsI receive free costumes and other Warner Bros. Consumer Products as a thank you for attending this event. I was not asked to write this post and all words and opinions are my own.


12 thoughts on “Super Heroes World Record Event – Oldbury Toys R Us”

  1. Oh that looks awesome! What a great day out as a family and how wonderful for your 6yo! So pleased his brother made it a complete unit for you all. Such splendid memories! X

  2. You look fab! Good on you all for dressing up as a family -sets a really positive and fun example to your kids! The event looks fab, big superhero fans Chez Spratt too x

  3. Hahaha! You’re a much better mum than me joy, I don’t think I could be persuaded into fancy dress even to support my son! You look wonderful though, and it sounds like you had a fantastic time, I’m so pleased 🙂 x


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