The Twelfth Week of Jeffing Half Marathon Training – Physio
The week that someone gave me an idea of what the problem in my hip could be.
The week that someone gave me an idea of what the problem in my hip could be.
What should be week 11 of jeffing half marathon training – what actually was happening due to injury
Early identification/diagnosis that someone is Autistic is important in order to discover the right strategies for them and avoid problems with mental health.
Still with an injury trying to rest but keep things heading in the right direction for jeffing a half marathon
Week 7 of jeffing half marathon training plan
Inspirational Runner, and Running Mayor, Leyla This Day I Love, shares her story
Winston’s Wish: Extra Help for Children Grieving as a Result of the Pandemic.
Week 6 was when in my jeffing half marathon training plan started to fall apart