This post is about what should have been week 11 of Jeffing Half Marathon Training. By now I had totally given up the plan due to an injury that just wasn’t going away. Knowing myself though there was still the possibility that I would run the upcoming Half Marathon, so I have carried on documenting what I was doing in the run up.
If you have been following the journey so far (see previous week, week 10) you will know that I hadn’t really been doing much running for weeks. On the Monday of week 11 I was still in pain.
Trying to Alleviate the pain
As I was still in pain I tried using the Shakti mat and even had an ice bath. Unfortunately I just couldn’t get the bath cold enough. The pain must have been bad as I had started taking ibuprofen and I am not a big taker of tablets, unless absolutely necessary.

What the Teen was up to
The teen had decided to get back on track so took his brother out for a walk. They ended up doing 5 ½ miles. However, this getting back into training was short lived when we got to Tuesday and neither of us did any strength training. To be fair most of the week was marked as a rest week and he did go to his friend’s house where there was a bouncy castle!
My Pain Continued
So by Tuesday my pain wasn’t getting any better. Consequently I decided to contact the lady that does my sports massages. After trying to badly describe the pain she suggested a chiropractor. Mainly to ensure that it wasn’t a trapped nerve. She recommended me one and kindly gave me her details.
Just Walking
For the rest of the weekdays I just did some walking. A lunch walk with hubby on Wednesday, plus the weekly walk to the other teen’s swimming lesson and back. Then on Friday I had a walk around a route which was on my Half Marathon that I had never explored with my youngest.

Booking Appointments
It took me until Thursday to actually book the chiropractor as she said she had no availability at home for a while. However, I could travel half an hour away and see her in practice. Friday I also contacted the doctors and got an appointment to see someone there too.
My 100th Parkrun
Finally my 100th Parkrun arrived. Ideally I wanted to do it in half an hour, but honestly that was a bit unrealistic given the circumstances. Especially as I was jeffing a 90:30 and it was far too hot. Although I did get around in just over 32 minutes with my best pace being a 4.25 minute/mile.

The Teen ran his fastest mile then slowed and waited for me to come round. He then jeffed the rest with me. He said that his throat hurt. Then I got him to sprint finish just before the hill at the end. I felt tired, my hip hurt after and I had a headache.
Saturday Afternoon
Later we took hubby’s Nan out, she is housebound and needs a wheelchair to get around out of the house. This meant I did a bit more walking. Whilst out I bought us some feet masks, which we used whilst watching a film.

Congratulations on the 100th parkrun!
I hope the various appointments came up with some answers for you. I can’t believe how long you’ve been struggling with this pain. It must be miserable. x