Told I Need to Stop HRT at 51

Last week I finally received a phone call from the doctor who originally put me on HRT about how some of my peri-menopausal symptoms have returned. This conversation resulted in her telling me that I must stop HRT at 51 years old; as well as changing the HRT I am currently on. Starting HRT At … Read more

Back to Work After a Long Break & What It’s Like

Sixteen years ago this July I went on maternity leave. In the end I opted not to return as it would make breastfeeding more difficult, and the eldest was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome that year and needed extra support. Since then we have managed on any disability related benefits and my husband’s wage. But now … Read more

How Did the February Spends Go?!

For those who saw my previous post on January spends you will know that I have been trying to keep a closer eye on where our money is going. Hence this February spends recap – which is more for me than any readers but I thought why not update you too. Those of you who … Read more

How Easy HRT is to Increase with Returning Symptoms

For those who have been following my HRT journey here is an update since my last HRT review. For context I started HRT in June and the review was in September. Recap of My HRT Journey and About Me For those unfamiliar I have been suffering for years with perimenopause symptoms. Actually the first time … Read more

January Spends – How Well My Trying Not to Spend Went!

Spoiler alert our January Spends were still high despite trying to cut back in order to catch up on my post Christmas Credit card bill! This January I decided to try to cut back on spending. In order to help with this I wrote down every time I spent money. Then I added on the … Read more

What you Need for the First School Skiing Trip

What you need for the school skiing trip covers what you need to pack and how to help prepare physically. Let’s face it when it comes to sending your children off on their own you do not want to get it wrong. Especially if they are going to get wet and cold in a foreign … Read more

Sun Holiday Parks in Europe Distance from Calais


There are a number of Sun Holiday Parks in Europe that are drivable from Calais. But how far and how long you want to be driving is another matter. When the Sun Holidays website goes live and everyone knows that last Sun Holiday code things can go a little crazy. The park you wanted, or … Read more

How to Handle Teen Perfectionism – Becky Goddard-Hill

Today’s guest post on Teen Perfectionism is from wellbeing author and psychotherapist Becky Goddard-Hill. Here she shares an extract from her brand new book Be Confident Be You – a Teenage Guide.  In her book Becky looks at the problems with teen perfectionism and suggest ways they can tackle this so it doesn’t dent their … Read more