Breastfeeding two and four year olds

  My youngest turned 2 and a half today. Feeding is going well, although I’m sure I feel more uncomfortable feeding at toddler groups. I’m more likely to just let him feed rather than say no.I’m actually hoping to read some blogs that make me feel less alone though as I am still (very occasionally) … Read more

Extracurricular Activities – for the Select few?

Studies by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) show that children should be getting on average of 60 minutes exercise a day. It will help reduce health risks – such as cardiovascular problems, Build stronger bones, healthier joints and muscles Maintain a healthier weight Help aid sleep Reduce stress levels Increase self-esteem and self-worth/image … Read more

Childhood Comforts

Let me introduce you to CAT We bought Cat for our son when he was a 1 year old, and he is now 8. Cat has recently been stitched up the back (thank you Great Nanny) and she said really he needs restuffing (but that is a big nono). Great Nanny also has the same … Read more