8 Ways to help Stay Motivated

comparison is the thief of joy on ice

This is a sponsored post. It is all very well to start a new challenge or goal but sticking at it and staying motivated is a completely different matter. Most of the time we really have to use our will power as we would much rather be doing something else. Here are some tips I … Read more

Sleeping Beauty at the Roses Theatre Review

comedy panto scene with mess on his face and the dame

Ben Crocker does it again with Sleeping Beauty – this year’s Panto at The Roses Theatre Tewkesbury. In his sixth consecutive year of writing and directing never failing to deliver an astounding Pantomime, with plenty of talented singing and dancing; amazing costumes and sets; magical sound and lighting; plus plenty of gags and audience participation … Read more

Bill’s Children’s Menu

pancakes Bill's resturant

I think that it is so important for us all to start the day with a good breakfast – a message I want my children to take with them when they leave home. So when there was an opportunity to go along to Bill’s to review their new and improved children’s menu in all restaurants … Read more

Why Ready Brek is the Only Breakfast you Really Need!

Ready Brek Breakfast Ideas

There is nothing like a good breakfast to start the day. I have previously written about healthy breakfast options you can eat as an alternative to high-sugary cereals. Ready Brek is a really versatile breakfast to have in the house and gives a great nutritional start to the day, with long lasting energy. Available in … Read more

Half Marathon Training – Time to throw in the towel?

asics gel

With less than 2 weeks to go I have to question whether I am going to be fit enough to do this Half Marathon after all! This week has been hard – and not because of any exercise but because of a complete lack of it! My foot (and sometimes up my leg) is hurting … Read more

Half Marathon Training Up to 11 Miles!

Half Marathon Training Up to 11 Miles!

Fittingly this week happened to be Race Week here in Gloucestershire and I thought that I would start the week off with a run. I intended to go much further than I did but got really hot really quickly and needed to drink my bottle of water I take out with me earlier than usual. … Read more

Half Marathon Training Week 3 – The Mind

the body achieves what the mind believes

Welcome to my week 3 log of how my Half Marathon Training is going. Thank you for your support it means a lot – as you will see as I talk about how I have been concentrating on The Mind in my training this week. I truly believe that the only thing stopping anyone fit … Read more

Enlightenment: A Catch up with me post

gingerbread house and trees

I have pretty much taken things easy in regards to how much time I have spent online this month. Instead of feeling refreshed at the end of it I feel tired. I feel even more that I have so much to do in terms of tidying my house, spending time with my family and giving … Read more