Loon to the Moon – Scottish Friendly Children’s Book Tour

loon on he moon

My children recently benefited from an author coming into school, reading to them, and signing copies of their book. Reading for me is a skill that everyone should learn as a child. It is an important and powerful tool towards education and independence. It makes me feel sad that not everyone has the same opportunities … Read more

The Science Experiment – Germination #KidsGrowWild challenge

The Science Experiment – Germination is one that can be done with young children. Not only does it teach them about growing things but it is also a great way of introducing them to the scientific method. This includes key words associated with them. It is all too easy to allow older children just to … Read more

Birthday Party Guide

Planning a Birthday Party can be a complicated affair. Here are a few things to think about in this Birthday Party Guide from our exzperience of lots of parties with our four children. This post contains an affiliated link First – Decide on Your Budget for Your Birthday Party How many people you will invite, … Read more

Spring Butterfly TRH Craft

Here is a simple Butterfly Craft to make with young children during the Spring. Great for those with short attention spans plus can be used to help with emotions. You can talk about symmetry or the life cycle of a butterfly too. Making the Spring Butterfly What You Need All you need is an old … Read more

TRH Craft – Chicks in Nests

Easter Chick in a Nest made from a Toilet Roll Holder I have been trying to help my youngest stay engaged in an activity a bit longer, so I am doing a series of Toilet Roll Holder Crafts (TRH). I’m hoping that the repetition and routine will help. We started by painting brown some TRHs … Read more

Children Home Alone – Motivational Monday

At what age is it okay to leave a child alone in the house? There is actually (quiet surprisingly) no law about not leaving your child home alone (regardless of age), but it IS an offence if in doing so you put them at risk (source)  – Child and Young Person’s Act 1968. Punishment can range from … Read more

Easter Bunny TRH

We have really got into our Toilet Roll Holder Craft. With Easter coming up a Bunny was the perfect craft. Besides which my youngest prefers things that are familiar. First we mixed red and white paint together. He has a low attention span and tends to end up just painting his hands.  I’m finding by keep … Read more

Motivating the Kids

This week I am thinking about how to Motivate the Children. My oldest has his GCSEs this year and all we hear is how his friends don’t have to revise lol. We tend to motivate with rewards. Whether that is with stickers We like to give them praise (yay well done you got it to … Read more

Trying to do the Best for your Child (DLA)

When you have a child there’s no doubting that financially it’s a large commitment, one that you can’t really comprehend. Some people try to save up and make sure they can “afford” a child before they have their first, or subsequent children. Some things inevitably you cannot predict; how many days off sick your child … Read more