E could only mean one thing!


I have been teaching my 4 year old the alphabet before he starts school in September.

So really Easter couldn’t be better timed!


Well this I found on Pinterest and thought it was just perfect.

Simply cut out an E shape and an egg. Cut the egg in half as if a chick has hatched from it. Colour the E, add some feathers, a beak and googley eye and stick it together – simple.

The original can be found here and I pinned it here

Follow Me on Pinteresteasteregghunt

What a great way to remember the Eggs than an Easter Egg hunt.

We bought a couple of bags of chocolate eggs quiet cheaply from Asda and then bought a pack of the small Kinder bunnies for them (tomorrow we are doing another hunt with friends which will involve a big egg and big bunny each). We decided to let them collect up as many as possible, put them in the bowl and then distribute them equally. I was very impressed that even the youngest did this without trying to eat them as soon as they were found.


Finally I cut out some Egg shapes out of different coloured paper and just let the children loose with a gluestick :O)

The Mario was a sticking activity that they did with their daddy from their Easter Egg boxes.

23 thoughts on “E could only mean one thing!”

  1. A very interesting way to help children learn the letters of the alphabet. They are certainly having an enjoyable Easter and learning new things in the process! Happy Easter to you and your family.

  2. Looks like you had a fun Easter! Great activities for learning E is for eggs! Thanks for sharing with our Spring Carnival πŸ™‚

  3. My daughter is learning “sound friends” in preschool and these types of letter-association crafts seem to really work. Nice idea! Visiting from Creative Monday’s…

  4. Oh you are so good! He’s going to be well ahead by September. I’m a rubbish Mum – if it doesn’t live at Yellow Moon I don’t craft!

  5. Very clever! You have become very creative haven’t you? I’m rubbish and not at all creative so I am very jealous but may have to steal some of your lovely ideas!

  6. What a fabulous Easter and I love the idea of introducing letters. i should start doing that with Noah as he starts school in September too!

  7. Wow, are there really so many lovely linkys out there? You have the prize for combining the most into 1 post! Delighted to be included for Country Kids with your lovely Easter Egg hunt. We did the same and I will be blogging it next week!

  8. Looks like great fun and a very memorable way to remember the letter “E”. He will be top of his class in September πŸ™‚ xx


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