I’m very Proud and Excited to Announce

My Exclusive Britmums Live Sponsor


Britmums Live (June 21st-22nd) is the  UKs biggest social media conference and blogging event. It is a chance for lifestyle bloggers and social influencers to gather to meet and socialise and network with brands. It has grown out of BritMums, the UK’s largest parent blogger community, made up of more than 4,200 influential bloggers who create content about lifestyle, crafting, food, health, travel, education, tech, style and more. BritMums are on twitter, with a network of 13k+ followers, including a large number of brands.

I think caring about a Brand is really important and I fully support Mooncup.

They are good for the environment, convenient (you don’t have to take a big bulky bag out with you), better for your health than alternative products and save you LOTS of money.  I have to admit it took me a while to get my head around the fact that it wasn’t an idea I was used to and you can read My First Time. If you’ve meet me chances are I’ve explained the benefits to you already – so I thought that this was definitely the PERFECT brand for me.

You can Follow them on Twitter and Facebook

And there’s no better timing as their new campaign will be rolled out on Monday – with a sneaky peak been shown now :O)

Find other Bloggers going to Britmums on this Linky here

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