Paint it Red for Autism

Tuesday 2nd April 2013 World Autism Awareness Day


“Autism is much more common than many people think, with over half a million people in the UK having the condition. If you include their families, autism touches the lives of over two million people every day.” (Source The National Autistic Society)

I have just quickly put together some useful links and twitter handles. If you wish a post or your twitter handle to be added please comment below. This is just the purpose of raising awareness and helping those who are looking for it. Have a good look around this blog, in particular try my Special Needs Page, but generally things I do are with my youngest, who is in the process of being diagnosed but definitely has “Autistic traits”.

Here is a really good post on ASD and Personal Hygiene from Aspie in the Family 

Manchester Based Autism Charity Hearts and Minds Collect and recycle old mobile phones in return for great technology gifts. By using iPads children with autism can work on receptive and expressive language, fine motor skills, problem solving skills and joint attention. You do not need to have a special needs child and you can register your school as well as your family.


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Twitter handles:

Hearts and Minds

Quiet Contemplation



This is NOT a sponsored post.

3 thoughts on “Paint it Red for Autism”

  1. It’s always fun to see how others get the word out… tomorrow we’re going to “Light It Up Blue” for World Autism Day… it should be fun!


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