Competitive Family


For a while I have been hearing about this 50 things to do before 11 3/4s list organised by the National Trust and really wanted to get around to reading it. To find out more, and to join in with the linky then please go over and visit TheBoyandMe. (Please note these links are by no means sponsored, and I recommend them due to the fact that I feel that it is important that children get outdoors and active).

We aren’t really a “sporty” bunch, even though I love in a house with 5 males there’s not really any interest in football, rugby, golf, etc. I think the age differences (12 years between oldest and youngest) have also meant that any physical competition would have been unfair. We are more your cross-country runner and we do like to see who can do the best jumps on the trampoline.

Wanting to show though, that sporty competition didn’t have to be anything serious we took to the park thinking that I could make number 16 – (make a daisy chain) competitive – by having the boys run and see who could get the most daisies/make the longest chain first. But when we got to the park there were too many daisies for the boys to need to run to get to them.


Instead they had a race to the nearest tree to climb (number 1 on the list).


I couldn’t believe that actually my 5 year old hadn’t really climbed trees, as my 4 year old is always climbing the one in the back garden! I used to love climbing up to the top of our big apple tree – especially when you could pick the apples.


They did attempt to make daisy chains.


I told my son how it would be easier if he picked daisies with long stems


I love how my 5 year old watched his dad intently.


Modelling (learning by watching significant others) is really important in children’s learning and self-development, so it is really important that parents lead by example, and make time with their children (especially playing outdoors). Boys are more likely to identify (and copy) what their father does, than their mother too.


I could see how the threading of the daisies could later be useful for learning how to sew.

Then they went into the play area where their natural competitiveness came out.



And on the way home the usual game of “tag”.





Spring Carnival



Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

85 thoughts on “Competitive Family”

  1. Best birthday present I ever got was a handmade cookbook from my sistdr. She spent hours on it anc filled it with reciped I woukd lovr

  2. Siblings are great at building a competitive spirit and well as teaching resiliance and sharing etc. It’s something I think my only child missed out on

  3. I have tried to make a couple of daisy chains recently but the boys don’t understand about picking them from as far down as they can! burton wasn’t too bad but Jenson bless him just passed me daisy heads lol
    I think with more than one child it is good to instill a little bit of healthy competitiveness and to teach them about being winners and runners up x

  4. My parents gave me a pink bag for my 18th birthday which was filled to the top with lots of little presents all wrapped up – it was definitely the best birthday pressie I’ve ever had.

  5. Lovely to see your boys out doing everything from careful daisy chain making to a good old kick around with a football. Don’t forget to put the link onto Country Kids!

    • I’m going to wait until your next one opens as I have linked up other places and need to comment on loads of posts – but do nudge me when it’s open please.

  6. This looks fab! i love the picture of your hubby doing his daisy chain! there is concentration!

    Thanks for linking up with #magicmoments 🙂

  7. Lovely post. Great to be out and about getting fresh air! I love to see boys picking flowers, i went out with my son for a walk on Saturday and he spontaneously picked a bunch of bluebells, I was so touched and too loads of photos!

  8. Looks like a great time was had! I haven’t made a daisy chain in years. Thanks so much for linking to the pin it party! Have pinned 🙂

  9. The best birthday present i ever had was a drawing done by my daughter as it takes pride of place next to my bed so every morning i wake up and see the drawing

  10. looks like a great day! I need to try some of those things out with my boys, never thought of getting them to try daisy chains yet! will be good for their fine motor! wasnt expecting a comp there at the end, nice suprise lol

  11. Loving the daisy chain play and the tree climbing. I honestly don’t think I have ever climbed a tree myself – I was always to be found with my nose in a book as a girl.

    Thanks for linking up!

  12. The best present I had was my Pandora bracelet. It meant a lot to me as it was from my partner and little boy 🙂 x

  13. This is a great post – love that bit you say about ‘modelling’; learning by watching, it is great advice.

  14. I’ve noticed my son and I will often walk to the train station (30 minutes away) rather than taking the bus or a taxi. As busy a teenager as he is, I have come to realise he relishes this time where we talk about what is going on with us without any other distractions. A lot of laughs on these slow walks as well as tears. Not frenetic, and maybe not burning as many calories as a more strident pace would, but so so valuable.

    Thank you for helping me remember this time with my son. This is a great post idea and beautifully presented.

    My best, HMSx

  15. I love a bit of healthy competition. It’s fun. We walk everywhere. Well, we have to as we don’t have a car. On Thursday and Fridays we have have a three mile round trip to get the toddler to nursery and then again to pick him up. But it’s nice to chat as we amble along and make me feel less guilty at the huge slab of chocolate cake I eat with my morning coffee.

  16. My OH bought me a Radley bag on my first birthday we were together. I was so surprised. I was lucky to get a smile off the ex!!

  17. I LOVE the tree climbing shot! My eldest has just learnt how to make daisy chains and it really takes me back to my own childhood. Simple pleasures 😉

  18. Wow, 5 boys! Looks like they are great fun and what a lovely day out. I especially agree with the comment about modelling and spending time with your kids out doors. It’s so important. What a lovely post 🙂


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